1.   Drugs, being chemical, are effectively feminine, and would be confined, in consequence, to the bottom subsections of each tier.  But they would be applicable (contrary to what I used to think) to every tier, not just to the first and second ones.


2.   I have alluded to the probability of heroin, LSD, and cocaine as the most suitable drugs for each tier, bearing in mind the watery (injected), vegetative (swallowed) and airy (inhaled) parallels which the methodology of drug consumption should strive to accommodate.


3.   What we are also interested in is constraining the objectivity of the feminine tier and either shoring-up or expanding the subjectivity of both the masculine and supermasculine tiers, so that drugs which depress the central nervous system in the one case, and which stimulate it in the other case are of specific significance here, even with the use of something arguably intermediate like LSD, whose chief properties are hallucinogenic.


4.   Provided drugs meet the criteria we are discussing, and can be taken in relation to the elemental status of any given tier, they would have legal currency in 'Kingdom Come', which is to say, within the context of a religiously sovereign People as furthered by Social Transcendentalism in relation to the Centre, the structural basis, transcending state/church relativity, for 'Kingdom Come'.


5.   Outside such a Centrist context of religious sovereignty, such drugs can only remain illegal, since it is not fitting to effectively 'resurrect the dead', and grant people afterlife-type experiences of a chemical order, before the advent of 'Kingdom Come', with its promise of Eternity.


6.   Some drugs would continue to remain illegal even in 'Kingdom Come', whether because they were demonstrably dangerous or because of their irrelevance to the watery, vegetative, and airy contexts of the triadic Beyond.


7.   Drugs, for instance, that are usually smoked, and thus involve recourse to fire, would have no relevance to the triadic Beyond, since they would amount to a fundamentalist subversion of the humanist, nonconformist, and transcendentalist criteria commensurate with Eternity, wherein mass, volume, and space are released, on a sensible basis, from the clutches of 'father time'.


8.   Certain drugs that are currently legal would, sooner or later, become illegal in 'Kingdom Come', including, in all probability, alcohol and tobacco.


9.   Some people may be against drugs, but then some people are against thoughts and exercises too, yet that is perfectly acceptable and would be fully intelligible in relation to the three-way subsections of the triadic Beyond, where both drug-free thoughts and drug-free exercises would also have their place.


10.  In fact, thoughts and exercises, corresponding to vegetative and airy parallels, would have a more important place in the triadic Beyond than drugs, bearing in mind the moral significance, from a sensible standpoint, of having the feminine aspect of life pegged down in order that both the masculine and supermasculine aspects of it can rise up, in Christ-like vein, in due liberation from female dominion, as especially characteristic, by contrast, of heathenistic contexts.


11.  Drugs are and will remain significant, however, in terms of their contribution, on a chemical basis, to the development and maintenance of the 'kingdom within' at the expense of the 'kingdom without', which latter currently rules a heathenistic roost on the basis, by and large, of photographic and filmic media.


12.  Instead of 'once-born' enslavement to such superficial media as films and photographs, people will have the opportunity of achieving deliverance from their heathenistic grasp on the basis of a Superchristian 'rebirth', as germane to religious sovereignty, and would have greater access, in consequence, to the 'light within' than would otherwise be possible.


13.  The 'light without' will doubtless continue to exist and even to appeal to some people long after the transvaluated dawn of 'Kingdom Come' has officially come to pass, but it will be up against increasing competition from the synthetically-oriented 'light within' of those drugs deemed suitable to the triadic Beyond, and will lose much of its heathenistic appeal in consequence.


14.  Nothing short of the type of drugs I have described as appropriate to 'Kingdom Come' would have sufficient appeal and influence to provide a viable alternative, for the film-addicted masses, to the types of heathenistic lights to which they were sadly accustomed in the alpha-stemming, female-dominated societies of late twentieth-century life.


15.  The tables will only be turned, as it were, on those murder-obsessed media of external artificial visionary experience when there is a sufficiently potent alternative officially in place to guarantee a significant percentage of the population the sort of visionary interiorization and inner-light profundity which is commensurate with the 'kingdom within' and, hence, with the effective resurrection, in one sense, of the dead, whose afterlife experiences are likely to include visionary or mystical attributes.


16.  Those who condemn drugs from the point of view of celluloid addiction ... are simply 'once-born' shallowpates who seem to imagine that a daily dose of murder and violence is not only not bad for you, but preferable to the use of a variety of so-called hard drugs.  Little do they realize the extent of their heathenistic limitations in belittling the struggle, necessarily unofficial, towards a Christian-type 'rebirth' which many people, deeper than themselves, are effectively engaged upon, willy-nilly, in their various drug-oriented capacities.


17.  Although I don't condone or subscribe to so-called drug abuse by drug pushers and users, my sympathies are with these latter people, many of whom are effectively martyred for their troubles, and I know that, one day, if my will is done, their struggle will be vindicated, though only when the People opt, democratically and peacefully, for religious sovereignty and the 'right', in consequence, to cultural self-determination that such a sovereignty, necessarily pertinent to 'Kingdom Come', would guarantee them.