1.   The ultra-libertarianism of the (genuine) Kingdom, rooted in noumenal objectivity, is commensurate, through competitive individualism, with whatever is extreme left, while the libertarianism of the (genuine) State, rooted in phenomenal objectivity, is commensurate, through competitive collectivism, with that which is moderate left.


2.   The conservatism of the (genuine) Church, centred in phenomenal subjectivity, is commensurate, through co-operative collectivism, with whatever is moderate right, while the ultra-conservatism of the (genuine) Centre, centred in noumenal subjectivity, is - or will be - commensurate, through co-operative individualism, with that which is extreme right.


3.   To contrast the competitive individualism of metachemical materialism with the co-operative individualism of metaphysical idealism, the ultra-libertarian extreme left-wing nature of the Kingdom with the ultra-conservative extreme right-wing nature of the Centre.


4.   To contrast the competitive collectivism of chemical realism with the co-operative collectivism of physical naturalism, the libertarian moderate left-wing nature of the State with the conservative moderate right-wing nature of the Church.


5.   Not only, in general terms, is the Kingdom extreme left and the Centre extreme right, but the Kingdom is that which, ever metachemical, is rooted in fire, whereas the Centre is that which, ever metaphysical, is centred in air.


6.   Not only, in general terms, is the State moderate left and the Church moderate right, but the State is that which, ever chemical, is rooted in water, whereas the Church is that which, ever physical, is centred in vegetation.


7.   Conservatism defends against libertarianism, but it does so either in the interests, if physical, of Christian nonconformism against Heathen humanism, as in the case of the Church, or, if metaphysical, in the interests of Superchristian transcendentalism against Superheathen fundamentalism, as in the case (hypothetically) of the Centre.


8.   Conservatism is therefore designed to protect subjective values from the encroachment of objective values, defending that which properly appertains to the male side of life from the possibility of female subversion, the latter of which, taking an overly libertarian guise, can only prove to its lasting detriment.


9.   The conservation of Christian values from the threat of Heathen values continues to be the principal concern of conservatism, which takes the form of the genuine Church and requires, for its own sake, the co-existence of a pseudo-State, a State which, far from being genuinely libertarian, is quasi-conservative in its vegetative aloofness, through republicanism, from watery parliamentarianism.


10.  It is to be hoped that the twenty-first century will witness the emergence of ultra-conservatism to conserve Superchristian values, appertaining to 'Kingdom Come', from the threat of Superheathen ones, and that the genuine Centre, as already defined by me with regard to the triadic Beyond, will be able to draw upon the assistance of a pseudo-Kingdom which, far from being ultra-libertarian, will be quasi-ultraconservative in its airy aloofness, through Social Transcendentalism, from fire.


11.  For only the pseudo-Kingdom of 'Kingdom Come' can deliver to the People the administrative service that will guarantee them continuing access to the ultra-conservative benefits of religious sovereignty in the triadic Beyond.


12.  This pseudo-Kingdom, which I anticipatively equate with a federation of Social Transcendental Centres in what has elsewhere been called the Centrist federation ... of, principally, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, will be presided over not by a Devil-King, as in those contexts where the Kingdom is genuine, but by a 'God-King', the Messianic figurehead of the Centre.