1.   God, when conceived in genuine transcendentalist terms, is always imperfect, for God is the truthful means to a joyful end, the metaphysical form that leads to and makes possible the metaphysical content, the joyful contentment of Heaven.


2.   Wisdom has long known that contentment cannot be sustained or maintained if one is subject to other than metaphysical drives, if the will of God, in other words, is subordinated to the will of man, where form (knowledge) tends to take precedence over content (pleasure), or, worse still, to the will of either woman or the Devil, both of which appertain not to form and content but to power and glory, the one primarily in relation to glory (pride), the other no less primarily in relation to power (beauty).


3.   Hence wisdom can only be protected and even advanced if one has the intelligence, as a man, to turn one's back, as it were, on those contexts where power and glory are paramount, and opt, via Christian or (in my case) Superchristian teachings, for the male alternative ... of form and content.


4.   For if, as a man, one rejects wisdom, then such contentment as one may be capable of (certainly to a greater extent than woman) may well be severely compromised, if not completely undermined, by the power and glory of that which is not wise but, ever female, either evil (if metachemical) or good (if chemical), and that man who sacrifices wisdom to these alternatives is ever a fool.


5.   Hence the wise man or, rather, wisest man (for there is also a sensual as well as a sensible manifestation of wisdom, not to mention prayerfully individual quasi-wise or prayerfully collective pseudo-wise shortfalls from it), a superman, is beyond good and evil rather than beneath and subject to it.  How far he is beyond it will depend on him, as, to some extent, on the type of religious allegiance to which he subscribes.


6.   For the Christian, bogged down in intellectual vegetation via 'the word', will only be relatively beyond good and evil, whereas the Superchristian, elevated by Social Transcendentalism to spiritual air via the breath, will be absolutely beyond it, and thus subject not to pseudo-State (republican) service but to the service of the pseudo-Kingdom, wherein the 'philosopher-king' would have his Messianic throne in relation to an executive presidency.


7.   Neither the genuine State nor the genuine Kingdom will obstruct the path of the man who is beyond good and evil, although the existence in predominantly heathenistic societies of either or both of these objective institutions will ensure that power and glory remain hegemonic over form and content, and that wisdom is accordingly rendered if not impossible then, at any rate, correspondingly more difficult of attainment.


8.   Hence wherever the female side of life is heathenistically paramount, beauty and/or pride, the vice (crime) and/or virtue (punishment) of the Kingdom and the State, will tend to prevail at the expense of knowledge and/or joy, the vice (sin) and/or virtue (grace) of the Church and the Centre.


9.   Religion will accordingly be bent away from truth and joy, the metaphysical form and content of the genuine Centre, by either knowledge and pleasure, the physical form and content of the genuine Church; strength and pride, the chemical power and glory of the pseudo-Church; or beauty and love, the metachemical power and glory of the pseudo-Centre, wherein not the Holy Spirit, still less the Son or the Mother, but the so-called Father reigns supreme, and reigns not only over the Mother and the Son, but effectively to the exclusion of the Holy Spirit, the airy retort, in metaphysics, to metachemical fieriness.


10.  For wherever the metachemical is encouraged to do, positively, in beauty and love, there can be scant room for the metaphysical to be, positively, in truth and joy.  The genuine Kingdom precludes, through its pseudo-Centre, the genuine Centre.


11.  Yet so too, conversely, would the genuine Centre preclude, through its pseudo-Kingdom, the genuine Kingdom, thus making it possible for people to abandon the positive Devil and Hell of beauty and love such that obtains even outside the context of the pseudo-Centre (as within both disestablished and free churches) for the positive God and Heaven of truth and joy, and thereby become institutionally acquainted, for the first time, with genuine religion and the possibility, in consequence, of authentic wisdom.


12.  The time has surely come for people to move beyond second-, third-, and fourth-rate religion towards the first-rate religion that will alone deliver them from the World and its netherworldly illusions!


13.  For the 'bovaryized' religion of the pseudo-Centre, which is fourth-rate, will keep them worshipfully and even idolatrously enslaved to the power of beauty, whereas the 'bovaryized' religion of the pseudo-Church, which is third-rate, will keep them grovelling before the glory of pride, while the 'bovaryized' religion of the genuine Church, which is second-rate, will keep them bogged down in the form of knowledge.


14.  Only the authentic and first-rate religion of the genuine Centre will release them from beauty or pride or knowledge for the sake of joy, though only those entitled to the top tier of the triadic Beyond will experience the contentment of joy to the fullest and most genuinely graceful extent.  For true wisdom belongs, after all, to the superman, and to him alone!