1.   To distinguish the positive criminality of beauty through diabolic power from the positive cruelty of love through infernal glory, as one would distinguish metachemical barbarity from metachemical civility in relation to the noumenal supremacy of the evil woman in space-time objectivity, the objectivity of spatial space and repetitive time from eyes to heart.


2.   To distinguish the negative criminality of ugliness through diabolic antipower from the negative cruelty of hatred through infernal antiglory, as one would distinguish metachemical antibarbarity from metachemical anticivility in relation to the noumenal primacy of the evil antiwoman in space-time anti-objectivity, the anti-objectivity of spatial antispace and repetitive anti-time from stellar (of the stars) to Venusian (of Venus).


3.   To distinguish the positive punishment of strength through angelic power from the positive justness of pride through purgatorial glory, as one would distinguish chemical barbarity from chemical civility in relation to the phenomenal supremacy of the good woman in volume-mass objectivity, the objectivity of volumetric volume and massed mass from tongue to womb.


4.   To distinguish the negative punishment of weakness through angelic antipower from the negative justness of humility through purgatorial antiglory, as one would distinguish chemical antibarbarity from chemical anticivility in relation to the phenomenal primacy of the good antiwoman in volume-mass anti-objectivity, the anti-objectivity of volumetric antivolume and massed antimass from lunar (of the moon) to oceanic (of the watery Earth).


5.   To distinguish the positive sinfulness of knowledge through daemonic form from the positive stupidity of pleasure through earthly content, as one would distinguish physical nature from physical culture in relation to the phenomenal supremacy of the foolish man in mass-volume subjectivity, the subjectivity of massive mass and voluminous volume from phallus to brain.


6.   To distinguish the negative sinfulness of ignorance through daemonic antiform from the negative stupidity of pain through earthly anticontent, as one would distinguish physical antinature from physical anticulture in relation to the phenomenal primacy of the foolish antiman in mass-volume antisubjectivity, the antisubjectivity of massive antimass and voluminous antivolume from terrestrial (of the vegetative Earth) to Martian (of Mars).


7.   To distinguish the positive grace of truth through divine form from the positive kindness of joy through sublime content, as one would distinguish metaphysical nature from metaphysical culture in relation to the noumenal supremacy of the wise man in time-space subjectivity, the subjectivity of sequential time and spaced space from ears to lungs.


8.   To distinguish the negative grace of falsity through divine antiform from the negative kindness of woe through sublime anticontent, as one would distinguish metaphysical antinature from metaphysical anticulture in relation to the noumenal primacy of the wise antiman in time-space antisubjectivity, the antisubjectivity of sequential anti-time and spaced antispace from solar (of the Sun) to Saturnalian (of Saturn).


9.   Generally speaking, antimen and/or antiwomen are hegemonic in science and politics on account of the predominance, with them, of negative qualities, whereas men and women are hegemonic in economics and religion on account of the preponderance, within them, of positive qualities.


10.  The genuine scientist and/or politician, effectively if not literally female, is more likely to have a primal affiliation in negativity than a supreme one in positivity, while the genuine economist and/or priest, literally if not effectively male, is more likely to have a supreme affiliation in positivity than a primal one in negativity.


11.  I stand by a society in which not (female) primacy but (male) supremacy prevails for ever, and such a society can only be guaranteed on the noumenal basis of 'Kingdom Come', to which I, as a self-professed Social Transcendentalist (and self-taught philosopher), truthfully subscribe.


12.  If my 'will is done', then I shall one day be executive head of the pseudo-Kingdom ... of a Centrist federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ... and figurehead of the genuine Centre ... of the triadic Beyond.


13.  For I shall have taken the 'sins and/or punishments of the World' upon my shoulders in order that the People who are now pantheistically and/or democratically sovereign may be delivered from them, via religious sovereignty, to the supreme giving-being, taking-being, and being-being of Eternity.



LONDON 1997 (Revised 2012)