FOUR CATEGORIES: Dualities may be further subdivided, as I hinted above, into four categories, viz. those which pertain to the Internal Objective, those which pertain to the External Objective, those which pertain to the Internal Subjective, and those, finally, which pertain to the External Subjective.

     Those in the category of the Internal Objective are dualities which we perceive internally but do not feel.  Those in the category of the External Objective are dualities which we perceive externally but do not feel.  Examples of the former include illusion/truth, sickness/health, past/future, absent/present.  Examples of the latter include night/day, dark/light, girl/boy, moon/sun.

     Those in the category of the Internal Subjective are dualities which we feel internally but do not perceive.  Those in the category of the External Subjective are dualities which we feel externally but do not perceive.  Examples of the former include fear/hope, hate/love, pain/pleasure, sadness/happiness. Examples of the latter include cold/hot, rough/smooth, liquid/solid, soft/hard.

     Thus it can be seen that both the Internal Subjective and the Internal Objective signify abstract phenomena, whereas both the External Subjective and the External Objective signify concrete phenomena.

