1.   Broadly, the State is most and/or more germane to itself in the objective contexts of metachemistry and chemistry, where it reflects a bias towards either the military (noumenal) or the police (phenomenal).


2.   Conversely, the Church is more and/or most germane to itself in the subjective contexts of physics and metaphysics, where it reflects a bias towards either the business community (phenomenal) or the folk (noumenal).


3.   In general terms, it therefore follows that whereas the State is broadly identifiable with the non-People bodies of the military and the police, the Church, by contrast, can be identified with the People, both in terms of the business community (bourgeoisie) and the folk (proletariat), the one tending to exist at the other's expense according to the type of society, whether non-People or People, in existence at any given time.


4.   Hence in a metachemical society, which is broadly identifiable with barbarism, the military tends to exist at the expense of the police (more prone to militarism and/or secrecy), whereas in a chemical society, by contrast, the police tend to exist at the expense of the military (more prone to the police and/or accountability), thereby upholding civilized values.


5.   Conversely, in a physical society, which is broadly identifiable with nature, the business community tends to exist at the expense of the folk (more prone to commercialization and/or proletarianization), whereas in a metaphysical society, by contrast, the folk tend to exist at the expense of the business community (more prone to demonization and/or bourgeoisification), thereby upholding cultural values.


6.   For just as barbarity is synonymous with power, and hence with militarism, so civility, the attribute par excellence of civilization, is synonymous with glory, and hence with the police - the former evil and the latter good.


7.   And just as nature is synonymous with form, and hence with the business community, so culture is synonymous with contentment, and hence with the folk - the former foolish and the latter wise.


8.   Hence 'evil societies' differ from 'good societies' only in terms of their dissimilar approaches to the State, the former noumenal, and hence individualistic, but the latter phenomenal, and hence collectivistic.


9.   Hence 'foolish societies' differ from 'wise societies' only in terms of their dissimilar approaches to the Church, the former phenomenal, and hence collectivistic, but the latter noumenal, and hence individualistic.


10.  Not only are metachemical societies evil in their barbarous subscription to power at the expense of glory, they are criminal and cruel in the noumenal objectivity of their (ruling) individualism.


11.  Not only are chemical societies good in their civilized subscription to glory at the expense of power, they are punishing and adroit (clever) in the phenomenal objectivity of their (governing) collectivism.


12.  Not only are physical societies foolish in their natural subscription to form at the expense of contentment, they are sinful and grave (stupid) in the phenomenal subjectivity of their (representing) collectivism.


13.  Not only are metaphysical societies wise in their cultural subscription to contentment at the expense of form, they are graceful and kind in the noumenal subjectivity of their (leading) individualism.


14.  The 'good state' only exists at the expense of the 'evil state' due to the devolution of power to the collective, who democratically use it to further glory.


15.  The 'foolish church' only exists at the expense of the 'wise church' due to the counter-evolutionary reduction of contentment to the collective, who plutocratically use it to further form.


16.  Whereas devolution from evil to good is morally or, more correctly, immorally desirable in the case of the State, counter-evolution from wisdom to folly is morally undesirable in the case of the Church, since the result is less a glorious improvement upon undevolved power (as in the case of the collective state) than a form-oriented corruption of evolved contentment.


17.  Historically, it could be argued that whereas devolutionary struggles against the State were of significance in shifting the balance of power and glory from evil (power over glory) to good (glory over power), wherein the State 'settled down' in worldly punishment, counter-evolutionary struggles against the Church had the unfortunate consequence of shifting the balance of form and contentment from wisdom (contentment over form) to folly (form over contentment), wherein the Church 'bogged down' in worldly sin.


18.  Devolutionary progress vis-à-vis the authoritarian state was not achieved, it seems to me, except at the cost of fidelity to the monotheistic church, so that the retreat from alpha on the one side was paid for by a withdrawal from omega on the other side, both State and Church drawing closer together in a collectivistic resolution, in the world, of individualistic extremes both behind and beyond it.


19.  Thus the world was 'made safe' for women and men at the respective expenses of the Devil and God, metachemical evil and metaphysical wisdom.


20.  What happens when 'the meek' inherit the earth ... is that nonconformism and humanism marginalize fundamentalism and transcendentalism, so that, far from establishing a 'Kingdom of Heaven', secular values of the type more usually associated with politics and economics ensue upon scientific and religious extremes, thereby cancelling-out both Hell and Heaven, power and contentment, to the glorious form and/or formal glory of the world.