1.   If libertarianism is objective, as I happen to believe, then the objective axes of space-time devolution and volume-mass devolution will be libertarian, whether in sensuality or in sensibility, in 'once-born' or in 'reborn' terms.


2.   Conversely, if conservatism is subjective, then the subjective axes of mass-volume evolution and time-space evolution will be conservative, whether in sensuality or in sensibility, in 'once-born' or in 'reborn' terms.


3.   Consequently, the objective elements of fire and water, corresponding to the metachemistry of space-time devolution and to the chemistry of volume-mass devolution, will be libertarian, whether in extreme (noumenal) or in moderate (phenomenal) terms.


4.   Likewise, the subjective elements of vegetation and air, corresponding to the physics of mass-volume evolution and to the metaphysics of time-space evolution, will be conservative, whether in moderate (phenomenal) or in extreme (noumenal) terms.


5.   Since I equate objectivity with the female side of life on account of its vacuous basis, and subjectivity, by contrast, with the male side of life on account of its association with a plenumous precondition, or the fact of being based in a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, it logically follows that females will be libertarian and males conservative - at least in general and gender-specific terms.


6.   Since that which is libertarian in one mode of metachemistry, say spatial space, must be libertarian in its other mode, the mode of repetitive time, it follows that metachemical libertarianism stretches through space-time devolution from sensuality to sensibility on the basis of an extreme (noumenal) left-wing orientation which will be either materialist (if negative) or fundamentalist (if positive).


7.   Since that which is libertarian in one mode of chemistry, say volumetric volume, must be libertarian in its other mode, the mode of massed mass, it follows that chemical libertarianism stretches through volume-mass devolution from sensuality to sensibility on the basis of a moderate (phenomenal) left-wing orientation which will be either realist (if negative) or nonconformist (if positive).


8.   Hence the Left, whether extreme or moderate, noumenal or phenomenal, metachemical or chemical, diabolic (superfeminine to subfeminine) or feminine (upper to lower), will be objectively libertarian in either a materialist/fundamentalist way or a realist/nonconformist way, depending on the axis.


9.   Since that which is conservative in one mode of physics, say massive mass, must be conservative in its other mode, the mode of voluminous volume, it follows that physical conservatism stretches through mass-volume evolution from sensuality to sensibility on the basis of a moderate (phenomenal) right-wing orientation which will be either naturalist (if negative) or humanist (if positive).


10.  Since that which is conservative in one mode of metaphysics, say sequential time, must be conservative in its other mode, the mode of spaced space, it follows that metaphysical conservatism stretches through time-space evolution from sensuality to sensibility on the basis of an extreme (noumenal) right-wing orientation which will be either idealist (if negative) or transcendentalist (if positive).


11.  Hence the Right, whether moderate or extreme, phenomenal or noumenal, physical or metaphysical, masculine (lower to upper) or divine (submasculine to supermasculine), will be subjectively conservative in either a naturalist/humanist way or an idealist/transcendentalist way, depending on the axis.


12.  There is a strong sense in which realism/nonconformism is a rejection of materialism/fundamentalism on the libertarian side of life, while, conversely, idealism/transcendentalism is a rejection of naturalism/humanism on the conservative side of life - the side arguably more subjective (and male) than objective (and female).


13.  Depending on the gender bias of any given society, materialism/fundamentalism is no less incompatible with idealism/transcendentalism, or vice versa, than realism/nonconformism with naturalism/humanism, or vice versa.


14.  Even the negative and positive alternatives within any given element, axis, plane, or whatever, are incompatible with each other to the extent that the hegemony of the one can only be achieved at the other's expense - the negative options being correlative with the freedom of scientific and/or political primacy, the positive options being correlative with the thraldom, or binding, of economic and/or religious supremacy.


15.  Science and politics are only capable of being truly hegemonic in the objective elements of metachemistry (noumenal) and chemistry (phenomenal), in accordance with the left-wing pursuit of freedom through libertarianism.


16.  Economics and religion are only capable of being truly hegemonic in the subjective elements of physics (phenomenal) and metaphysics (noumenal), in accordance with the right-wing pursuit of thraldom (binding) through conservatism.


17.  Hence there is a female/male dichotomy, and antagonism, between the left-wing pursuit of freedom through libertarianism on the one hand, and the right-wing pursuit of thraldom through conservatism on the other hand.


18.  Either science triumphs at the expense of religion or politics triumphs at the expense of economics in the case of the libertarian options, wherein freedom sits enthroned, in due objective - and female - fashion.


19.  Either economics triumphs at the expense of politics or religion triumphs at the expense of science in the case of the conservative options, wherein thraldom sits enthroned, in due subjective - and male - vein.


20.  'Free societies' will be either extreme left or moderate left, depending whether science or politics is the hegemonic mean, with the Devil of metachemical libertarianism triumphant in the one case, and the woman of chemical libertarianism triumphant in the other case.


21.  'Bound societies' will be either moderate right or extreme right, depending whether economics or religion is the hegemonic mean, with the man of physical conservatism triumphant in the one case, and the God of metaphysical conservatism triumphant in the other case.


22.  'Free societies', being objective, are immoral in their female libertarianism, whereas 'bound societies', being subjective, are alone moral in their male conservatism, whether relatively, in the phenomenal, or absolutely, in the noumenal.