1.   The being of genuine philosophers - as of genuine philosophy - is the soul of being, viz. joy, in what can only be a concern, through transcendentalism, with metaphysics.


2.   Every lesser being, be it physical, chemical, or metachemical, is not the being of authentic philosophy but, on the contrary, the being of a philosophy that stands at one, two, or three 'bovaryized' removes from such (metaphysical) authenticity.


3.   The joyful being of authentic philosophy can only be conceived of in relation to aphorisms, not in relation to essays, dialogues, or verses.


4.   By comparison, essayistic philosophy is better suited, in its quasi-narrative bias, to the pleasurable being of a physical shortfall, through humanism, from metaphysics, in what amounts to a 'once-bovaryized' order of pseudo-philosophy.


5.   By relative contrast, dialogues are more suited, in their quasi-dramatic bias, to the proud being of a chemical shortfall, through nonconformism, from metaphysics, in what amounts to a 'twice-bovaryized' order of pseudo-philosophy.


6.   By absolutist contrast, verses are more suited, in their quasi-poetic bias, to the loving being of a metachemical shortfall, through fundamentalism, from metaphysics, in what amounts to a 'thrice-bovaryized' order of pseudo-philosophy.


7.   Hence whereas philosophy is only genuine in the aphoristic mode of joyful being, it is regressively more pseudo in relation to the essayistic mode of pleasurable being, the dialogistic mode of proud being, and the linguistic mode, so to speak, of loving being.


8.   Instead of a transcendentalist authenticity in relation to the being-of-beings, philosophy that is 'bovaryized' in physical, chemical, or metachemical shortfalls from metaphysics ... signifies a humanist, a nonconformist, or a fundamentalist inauthenticity in relation to such being.


9.   Such pseudo-philosophies are not the work of gods aspiring towards Heaven, of truth seeking joyful redemption, but either the work of men, women, or devils, for whom being is accordingly pleasurable, proud, or loving, as the case may be.


10.  But pleasurable being is second-rate, proud being third-rate, and loving being fourth-rate by comparison with (pleasurable) or in contrast to (proud and loving) the first-rate being of joy in the soul-of-souls, the soul of being which the genuine philosopher, the aphoristic metaphysician, will advocate and, more importantly, experience in consequence of fidelity to metaphysical procedures.


11.  Inferior philosophers will never approach being on anything but an inauthentic basis ... through essayistic pleasure, dialogistic pride, or linguistic love, and their philosophy will always be a reflection of humanist, nonconformist, or fundamentalist limitations vis-à-vis the transcendentalism of genuine philosophy.


12.  Pseudo-philosophy will always be upheld by societies in which either humanism, and hence narrative fiction, nonconformism, and hence drama, or fundamentalism, and hence poetry, is the prevailing literary genre - and upheld to the exclusion, it may well be, of genuine philosophy, which requires a transcendentalist, and therefore metaphysical, bias whether in the individual or, more generally, in society as a whole.


13.  Unless society is preponderantly transcendentalist in its orientation towards metaphysical individuals, the philosopher will not be 'king' but ever tangential, on a 'bovaryized' basis, to the prevailing literary mean, be it fictional, dramatic, or poetic, according to whether society is preponderantly and/or predominantly constituted in relation to physical, chemical, or to metachemical norms.


14.  As a genuine, or aphoristic, philosopher, I esteem that society in which the metaphysical individual is especially sovereign, and philosophy is accordingly the principal literary genre, with 'bovaryized' manifestations, necessarily deferential towards it in their metaphysical bias, of fiction, drama, and poetry.


15.  Only then will justice be done to the soul of being, the being-of-beings, or supreme being, of that heavenly joy which is the redemption of godly truth and the justification behind all genuine philosophy - the most genuine philosophy of the 'philosopher king' not least of all!


16.  Such philosophy can only be fully and properly aired in 'Kingdom Come', the 'Kingdom' not only of a projected union of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in a Gaelic Federation, as democratically advocated by me, but also, and no less importantly, of the soul, in which the metaphysical soul will receive its due recognition as the soul-of-souls and ultimate manifestation of being especially reserved for those adjudged capable, as supermen, of experiencing it, which is to say, of availing of metaphysical enlightenment on the top tier of my projected triadic Beyond, wherein respiratory sensibility will be the prevailing norm - a norm no less meritocratic than aural sensuality, the submasculine metaphysics from which supermen, or potential supermen, require to be saved, was (and still is) theocratic.


17.  For a metaphysical being that was less than sensible would not 'cut it' with the 'reborn' context of 'Kingdom Come', wherein philosophy can only be meritocratically independent of theocracy, and thus of anything rooted, via Biblical verse, in the theistic concept of God as Creator, Father, etc.


18.  Ultimate metaphysical being is not only sensibly supreme as opposed to sensually supreme, it is Superchristian as opposed to Subchristian, and therefore aligned with a metaphysical 'kingdom within'.


19.  And it is this metaphysical 'kingdom within', this ultimate order of 'rebirth', that is fully commensurate with 'Kingdom Come', and thus the supersession not only of Subchristianity, with its theocratic paternalism, but of Christianity and its correlative plutocratic estimation of society.


20.  For so long as society continues to be conditioned by economics, religion will get a raw deal in terms of being 'sold short' of its true worth in a context that not merely overhauls economics in sensually metaphysical terms, but overhauls economics in sensibly metaphysical terms, such that subordinates, once and for all, fiction to philosophy, as philosophy is understood to depart theocratic sensuality for meritocratic sensibility, and being finally comes to rest in the metaphysical 'rebirth' of 'Kingdom Come', wherein the ultimate sensibility of a Superchristian dispensation is 'king' for ever more, thanks to the Messianic leadership of one who considers himself, not without compelling logical justification, as the best and most credible equivalent of a Second Coming there has ever been or is ever likely to be!