126.   So the priest who invokes Old Testament scripture in his reference to God is taking the Christian penitent even further away from God the Father than would be the case in relation to New Testament reference, where nothing quite as bad as cosmic and natural forms - once one also embraces Allah and Mohammed in respect of metachemical sensibility at a somatic remove from psychic freedom - of perpendicular triangularity could be said to exist, even if the Christian mode of it leaves something to be desired not only from the standpoint of sensibility, not least metaphysical, but from the standpoint of what is truly contemporary in relation to New World secularity and the sort of fries-burger-cola norms that typify the post-human mode of diabolic control which, in certain respects, is superficially cyborg rather than simply human.


127.   For the New World is at quite a remove, both geographically and culturally, from the Old World, meaning by and large Western Europe, and at its best, if one may speak in such paradoxical terms, it leaves the Bible behind altogether, being in the vanguard of much that is synthetically artificial and not at all human, much less natural or cosmic.


128.   However, other points of view are also possible, but I shan't complicate the text with cynical or over-clever allusions, preferring to pick-up on a point alluded to above, which is that, from a Christian standpoint, God the Father is no-less inaccessible today than He was a thousand or two thousand years ago, and all because Scripture has not only the laity but the clergy in its psychological grip and precludes honesty or openness in respect of what God the Father, never mind the Son of God, the Holy Spirit of Heaven, or, more importantly than all three, Heaven the Holy Soul, actually is, and all because everything goes back to Devil the Mother hyped as God through Jehovah and there is precious little scope for extension to God the Father in consequence, extension not simply in relation to either the Cosmos or nature but to mankind and, beyond transcendental meditation, to what is destined, I feel confident, to overhaul mankind and, if contemporary secularity is anything to judge by, bring synthetic artificiality to a sensible head, the sort of head which spells the end of the world of man's dominion and the coming of the 'Kingdom of God', a 'Kingdom' in which God the Father, together with all the other components of metaphysical sensibility but especially Heaven the Holy Soul, would be not merely in a more (compared to most) evolved but, thanks to cyborgization, in a most evolved and therefore per se manifestation of psychic freedom, the freedom that (notwithstanding the inevitability of correlative modes of somatic binding of will and spirit) takes transcendentalism (and thus idealism) to a universal peak as all that was human, natural, or cosmic in that respect is shown to be less than definitively divine but simply the more (compared to most), less (compared to least), or least evolved manifestations, working backwards, of metaphysical sensibility.


129.   Thus one speaks, one writes, one preaches, one theorizes not for hard-line Christians, still less pre-Christian elements who are less human than subhuman in their devotions to natural and/or cosmic modes of religion, whether divine or, more usually, otherwise, but for the urban proletariat, the majority of persons in today's post-human civilizations which stretch across the globe and are potentially if not actually universal in scope, capable of transcending both the West and the East in the name of a new and altogether superior civilization to anything that has obtained before, up to and including the Buddhist East which, while not being pre-human or subhuman in character, is still human-all-too-human in its approach to transcendentalism from the standpoint of mankind, and should be transcended or, at any rate, overtaken and rejected from the standpoint not merely of the urban proletariat but, bearing in mind their cyborg potential, of man's godlike successor, who will bring God and Heaven to peaks of metaphysical sensibility which will leave even transcendental meditation behind as a penultimate approach to and manifestation, more importantly, of God and Heaven, the definitive, because most evolved, manifestation of which can only be cyborg in character, and therefore as much beyond man - even transcendental man - as nature is/was before him and, for that very reason, the universal antithesis to the Cosmos, with its stellar polyversality and metachemical mean.


130.   Out of fire came water, and out of water came vegetation (earth), and out of vegetation came air.  Out of the Devil came woman, and out of woman came man, and out of man came - or will come - the Cyborg, namely God in any definitive or ultimate mode.  In such fashion, it could be said that out of Hell came purgatory, and out of purgatory came the earth, and out of the earth came - or will come - Heaven.  For that which is most supreme is not first but last, is not power but contentment, is not will but soul, not appearance but essence, not somatic but psychic, not female but male, not ugly but true, not hateful but joyful, not spatial but spaced, not doingful but beingful, not No but Yes, not particle but wavicle, not hot (in contrast to cold) but light (in contrast to heavy), not metachemical but metaphysical - in a word, not alpha but omega.


131.   I despise and reject, absolutely and without equivocation, texts which hold the People to cosmic slavery and effective devil-worship, quite apart from any pantheistic aberrations in respect of nature or the Cosmos as a whole.  I am determined that, when the People, as urban proletariat, come to vote for religious sovereignty as the proper sovereignty for those who are not merely humanistic, like the bourgeoisie and their folksy lickspittles, but post-human with cyborg potential, and a majority mandate is forthcoming from the majority population of those countries where such a paradoxical election would be both feasible and desirable (as already described in earlier texts), then everything that stands in the way of their liberation from worldly falsehood will be knocked down and destroyed, destroyed utterly and irrevocably, so that it can never come back to haunt them and seduce them from their rightful destiny in ever-increasing approximations to definitive modes of God and Heaven.


132.   Now if that means that every Bible must be incinerated as a matter of religious necessity, of psychological hygiene, of ethical progress, so that the power of the lie of Jehovah posing as God and usurping truth, universality, beingful supremacy, etc., is broken and cast down into the flames of an artificial inferno akin to what had previously characterized the cremation of heathenistic individuals of a secular cast, from which it will never again arise, then so be it! And if every related matter or text must be destroyed along with it, so that it cannot live-on in some other guise to poison and restrict the minds of cyborg proletarians the way it has poisoned and continues to poison and restrict the minds of their folksy counterparts and bourgeois exploiters, then so be it! 


133.   If I am to be falsely accused of anti-Semitism in terms of my opposition to the Bible, with its Hebrew origins in the lie of Jehovah, let it be said here and now, before fools jump on the denigratory bandwagon out of envy and petty spite, that this opposition is decidedly metaphysical, not physical, and has no bearing whatsoever on Jews, none of whom can be held responsible for the Book in question, most of which, in its Hebrew origins, pre-dates anything Jewish, and a goodly portion of which owes more to Greeks and Romans. 


134.   I am, as the reader will gather, a Social Theocrat, that radical left-wing parallel for those of the ascending axis to the Social Democratic nadir of the descending one, and Social Theocracy appeals, above all at this point in time, to Celts, especially though not exclusively to Irish Celts, who, in the British Isles not least, are highlanders, not lowlanders, and can be expected to rise above the bog of physiological opposition to everything Jewish such that characterized Nazism to the airy heights of a psychological purification of life which will leave the world in no doubt that, though historical parallels could be inferred to exist, whether in relation to National Socialism or otherwise, such a metaphysical approach to the problem, from a contemporary European standpoint, of Hebrew/Jewish irrelevance exists on an altogether higher and finer basis to anything physical, and takes the liberation and maturation process of a North-European people a stage further along the road of its development, a stage beyond mere physical opposition to Jews to the end, commensurate, in contrast it may be to any Hitlerian first judgement of a metachemically-based alpha nature, with an omega-oriented Last Judgement, of delivering a people - and eventually all peoples - from the kind of chemically-based psychological poisoning which slavish, uncritical adherence to certain ancient texts, including the so-called Holy Bible, inevitably entails, not least in respect to the domination of print as a textural mean. 


135.   Thus as 'the antichemical' were delivered from punishment to crime by the metachemical elimination of 'the physical', so Social Theocracy, if it is to fulfil its potential for moral liberation, must see to it that 'the antiphysical' are delivered from sin to grace by the metaphysical elimination of 'the chemical', and rid first its own country and then, by extrapolation, other kindred countries, and eventually all countries, of such religious poison as psychologically undermines the soul and numbs the ego, bringing one to an unholy worship, as a male, of free will and spirit, power and glory, to the detriment of form and contentment.


136.   It has been said that one must know oneself as a precondition, as a male, of being oneself or, more properly, one's self.  That is absolutely true!  Without egoistic knowledge of self there can be no psychoistic pleasure in self, no joy in self without truth to self, no emotional redemption without intellectual mediation through meditation.  Truth to self is the precondition of joy in self, metaphysical knowledge (truth) in God the Father the precondition of metaphysical pleasure (joy) in Heaven the Holy Soul, even if such a heaven presupposes, in some synthetically artificial manner for the future, recourse to the metaphysically somatic equivalents of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, neither of which are anything but means to the resurrection of God the Father in Heaven the Holy Soul, and thus to the transcendence of ego-self in soul-self via the relevant modes of bound will and spirit, of antiwill and antispirit, accruing to the relevant not-selves.  Know thy self by all means, but know thy self in order, ultimately, to be thy self.  For just as there is a difference in metaphysical soma between lungs and breath, so there is a difference in metaphysical psyche between brain stem and spinal cord, and only in the latter, only in perfect harmony with the latter, is joy and thus heaven achieved!


137.   All that remains is that we should clear away the obstacles to the realization of that joy, and then no scripture-bound priest on earth will be able to hold back that which, in the urban proletariat, is already knocking on the door of heaven but still, alas, prevented from entering it by dint of what still officially passes for truth but is fundamentally and even materially so contrary to it as to remain a Lie, and thus the enemy not only of God the Father, but of God's universal self-overcoming in the name of Heaven the Holy Soul.



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)