401. When space is alpha, we get light from a vacuum of void, e.g. nothingness.


402. When space is omega, we get consciousness from a plenum of air, e.g. oxygen.


403. Time can be either alpha or omega - sequential or repetitive.


404. When time is alpha, we get heat from a sequence of flame, e.g. fire.


405. When time is omega, we get feelings from a repetition of blood, e.g. heartbeat.


406. Volume can be either alpha or omega - volumetric or voluminous.


407. When volume is alpha, we get coldness from a volume of water, e.g. rain.


408. When volume is omega, we get knowledge from a volume of intellect, e.g. book.


409. Mass can be either alpha or omega - massed or massive.


410. When mass is alpha, we get darkness from a mass of earth, e.g. crowd.


411. When mass is omega, we get sensation from a mass of flesh, e.g. sex.


412. The alpha of space, time, volume, and mass can be either negative or positive, but, given its particle appearance, it will be primarily negative and only secondarily positive.


413. The omega of space, time, volume, and mass can be either negative or positive, but, given its wavicle essence, it will be primarily positive and only secondarily negative.


414. With the alpha positions of any given spectrum, the particle is primary and the wavicle secondary.


415. With the omega positions of any given spectrum, the wavicle is primary and the particle secondary.


416. The secondary quality takes on the moral characteristic of the primary quantity in the case of the alpha positions.


417. The secondary quantity takes on the moral characteristic of the primary quality in the case of the omega positions.


418. Joy becomes external in relation to woe, in the context of the spatial alpha.


419. Pride becomes external in relation to humility, in the context of the sequential alpha.


420. Love becomes external in relation to hate, in the context of the volumetric alpha.


421. Pleasure becomes external in relation to pain, in the context of the massed alpha.


422. Woe becomes internal in relation to joy, in the context of the spaced omega.


423. Humility becomes internal in relation to pride, in the context of the repetitive omega.


424. Hate becomes internal in relation to love, in the context of the voluminous omega.


425. Pain becomes internal in relation to pleasure, in the context of the massive omega.


426. If Marxism, or Communism, is extreme left, then Bolshevism, or Marxism-Leninism, is quasi-extreme right.


427. Bolshevism is 'Red Fascism' (Wilhelm Reich), or communistic militarism.


428. The Extreme Right are always militarist and ruling class, rooted in the sun.


429. The Right are always capitalist and business class, rooted in the moon.


430. The Left are always socialist and working class, rooted in the earth.


431. The Extreme Left are always communist and leading class, rooted in the cosmos.


432. The clerical Extreme Left are always transcendentalist and classless, centred in the spirit.


433. The clerical Extreme Right are always fundamentalist and upper class, centred in the blood.


434. The clerical Right are always nonconformist and middle class, centred in the intellect.


435. The clerical Left are always humanist and lower class, centred in the will.


436. Painting is the art form of space.


437. Music is the art form of time.


438. Literature is the art form of volume.


439. Sculpture is the art form of mass.


440. Because the Extreme Right are militaristic, they are inherently diabolical, glorying in war.


441. It is easy to take the red flag and unbounded yellow star of Communism for the Devil or, rather, Antidevil, but this would be an ideological error!


442. Bolshevism, and hence Stalinism, may have been militaristic, but it was still pro-worldly, and thus pro-left.


443. Bolshevism leads to Socialism, and Socialism should in turn lead, via people's Catholicism, to the 'clerical communism' of Social Transcendentalism.


444. People's Catholicism will be rather more partial to the Mother than to the Father, and thus to mothers as opposed to fathers.


445. The Church does the Devil's work when it protects the interests of the Father at the expense of those of the Mother.


446. The People have a moral duty to oppose 'clerical fascism' (fundamentalism) and its support for the despotism of the Father.


447. Only that man who is atheistic vis-à-vis the Father ... will have the Mother's interests truly at heart!


448. When the 'dogs of war' are unleashed upon the People, 'clerical fascists' (fundamentalists) tend to turn what is commonly called a 'blind eye'.


449. 'Clerical fascists' are quick to justify their oppression of the People in terms of a 'holy war' against atheist unbelievers.


445. He who believes truly in the Son believes not in the Father but in the Mother, whose hope of the world ... is the Second Coming.


451. The Second Coming will take subjectivity from the phenomenal plane of the world to the noumenal plane of Heaven, thus vindicating the Mother's hope.


452. Where People's Catholicism is triumphant over despotic Catholicism, the People are free to await the Second Coming/Social Transcendentalism.


453. With Social Transcendentalism, the People will have the opportunity to elect, democratically, for religious sovereignty, and thus the right to spiritual self-realization.


454. Social Transcendentalism will have no place whatsoever for the Father, alias the Holy Soul of Hell, but only place for the Holy Spirit of Heaven, the one true God.


455. The Modern Age began in the particle Extreme-Left of 'secular communism' and will end, if justice is done, in the wavicle Extreme-Left of 'clerical communism', or Social Transcendentalism.


456. One should distinguish Nazism from Fascism on the basis of a pseudo-extreme-right/extreme-right dichotomy - the former issuing from the moon ... of liberal democracy (Weimar Republic) ... and the latter inherently solar, and hence autocratic.


457. Whatever its ideological shortcomings, Nazism began on a democratic basis and ended-up 'selling out' to the military.


458. Fascism was and remains inherently militaristic, attaining power via a coup rather than through the ballot box.


459. It is because of its intrinsically militarist nature that Fascism was even more diabolical than Nazism.


460. Hitler may have been more evil than Mussolini, but he was less weak, and therefore diabolical.


461. The nazi/fascist alliance was effectively a pact between the Antichrist and Satan - the former cold and calculating, the latter hot and impulsive; the one evil, the other weak.


462. As a military ruler, Franco was the quintessential fascist - a man of the Extreme Right who crushed the People in the interests, effectively, of the Father.


463. Franco's monumental legacy to Spain is the most powerful subversion of the cross ever erected!


464. Franco crucified the Spanish people long before he erected a monument to his despotic triumph.


465. The Spanish people await the Second Coming in the shadow of Franco's awesome cross, the shame of Spain.


466. There is a sense in which writing is thinking, but it is no closer to being literally the case ... than would be the notion that beauty was truth.


467. The common people abhor thought and hold it against the thinker.


468. The common people adore speech and speak as often as they can.


469. The common people have more respect for the speaker, and hence the dramatist, than for the thinker, and hence the philosopher.


470. Drama is an inherently fundamentalist mode of literature; philosophy, by contrast, is transcendentalist.


471. 'Dramatic philosophy' (Nietzsche) is no-less paradoxical than 'philosophical drama' (Shaw), but still morally better.


472. The dramatist is the least intelligent kind of writer, the philosopher the most intelligent.


473. Poets are more intelligent than novelists, but less intelligent than philosophers.


474. Poetry is an inherently nonconformist mode of literature; fiction, by contrast, is humanist.


475. 'Literary poetry' (Eliot) is no-less paradoxical than 'poetic literature' (Joyce), but still morally worse.


476. The middle class prefer to read than to write, and have more respect for the reader, and hence the poet, than for the writer, and hence the novelist.


477. Poetry is the literary art form of phenomenal objectivity, and hence reading, whereas fiction is the literary art form of phenomenal subjectivity, and hence writing.


478. Drama is the literary art form of noumenal objectivity, and hence speaking, whereas philosophy is the literary art form of noumenal subjectivity, and hence thinking.


479. The more diabolic the society, the greater the amount of drama it will consume and/or produce.


480. The more divine the society, the greater the amount of philosophy it will consume and/or produce.


481. Societies that are neither especially diabolic nor divine will concentrate on either poetry or fiction primarily - the former masculine and the latter feminine.


482. Fundamentalist societies thrive on drama, transcendentalist ones on philosophy.


483. Nonconformist societies thrive on poetry, humanist ones on fiction.


484. The world must be saved from fiction by philosophy.


485. Purgatory can only be damned from poetry by drama.


486. There is about 'poetic drama' the suggestion of something nazi, and hence pseudo-extreme right.


487. Those whose politics are extreme left cannot have any connection with the Extreme Right, and will therefore have no taste for drama.


488. God is a philosopher (thinker), whereas the Devil, by contrast, is a dramatist (speaker).


489. Man is a poet (reader), whereas woman, by contrast, is a novelist (writer).


490. Thinking is an intellectual affirmation of the spirit, whereas reading is a spiritual affirmation of the intellect.


491. Speaking is a soulful affirmation of the intellect, whereas writing is an intellectual affirmation of the will.


492. Space can be either idealist (spatial) or transcendentalist (spaced).


493. Time can be either naturalist (sequential) or fundamentalist (repetitive).


494. Volume can be either materialist (volumetric) or nonconformist (voluminous).


495. Mass can be either realist (massed) or humanist (massive).


496. Idealist space, being spatial, is void, whereas transcendentalist space, being spaced, is spiritual.


497. Naturalist time, being sequential, is fiery, whereas fundamentalist time, being repetitive, is soulful.


498. Materialist volume, being volumetric, is watery, whereas nonconformist volume, being voluminous, is intellectual.


499. Realist mass, being massed, is earthy, whereas humanist mass, being massive, is wilful.


500. Idealism is stellar (cosmic), whereas transcendentalism is heavenly.