601. If it is democratic and masculine to boil food, then it is autocratic and diabolic to fry it.


602. If it is bureaucratic and feminine to bake food, then it is theocratic and divine to grill it.


603. Jeans stand to trousers as fried food to boiled food - that is, as a sort of naturalist and/or fundamentalist parallel (solar) to a materialist and/or nonconformist correlation (lunar).


604. To be damned from trousers to jeans.


605. One-piece zippersuits stand to joggers as grilled food to baked food - that is, as a sort of idealist and/or transcendentalist parallel (stellar) to a realist and/or humanist correlation (planar).


606. To be saved from joggers by one-piece zippersuits.


607. The wise man dresses in one-piece zippersuits, and the fool in jeans.


608. The clever man dresses in trousers, and the stupid man in joggers.


609. There is no virtue in folly nor vice in wisdom.


610. There is no virtue in cleverness nor vice in stupidity.


611. From the phenomenally objective vice of the clever to the noumenally objective vice of the foolish.


612. From the phenomenally subjective virtue of the stupid to the noumenally subjective virtue of the wise.


613. Catholic nations are more likely to play football 'stupidly', and hence along the ground, than 'cleverly', and hence through the air.


614. Protestant countries are more likely to play football 'cleverly', and hence through the air, than 'stupidly', and hence along the ground.


615. There is a sense, relative to the stupid/clever axis of football, in which goals scored via the feet are heterosexual, whereas those scored via the head are homosexual.


616. There is even a sense, further to the above, in which near misses, whether over the bar or the wrong side of the posts, correspond to a form of masturbation.


617. To distinguish, in relation to the sexual overtones of football, between the 'heterosexual' masturbation of the booted near miss, and the 'homosexual' masturbation of the headed near miss.


618. T-shirts stand to shirts as jeans to trousers - that is, as a sort of naturalist and/or fundamentalist parallel to materialist and/or nonconformist norms.


619. T-shirts are usually worn in conjunction with jeans, whereas shirts are more usually worn in conjunction with trousers.


620. Vests are usually worn in conjunction with joggers and, being curvilinear, are subjective, whereas shirts and T-shirts are objective.


621. The idealism of the Clear Light of the Void vis-à-vis the communism (pseudo-transcendentalism) of the Unholy Spirit of the Void.


622. The totalitarianism (pseudo-idealism) of the Unclear Light of Heaven vis-à-vis the transcendentalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


623. The naturalism of the Clear Heat of Time vis-à-vis the fascism (pseudo-fundamentalism) of the Unholy Soul of Time.


624. The authoritarianism (pseudo-naturalism) of the Unclear Heat of Hell vis-à-vis the fundamentalism of the Holy Soul of Hell.


625. The materialism of the Clear Coldness of Volume vis-à-vis the capitalism (pseudo-nonconformism) of the Unholy Mind of Volume.


626. The parliamentarianism (pseudo-materialism) of the Unholy Coldness of Purgatory vis-à-vis the nonconformism of the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


627. The realism of the Clear Darkness of Mass vis-à-vis the socialism (pseudo-humanism) of the Unholy Will of Mass.


628. The republicanism (pseudo-realism) of the Unclear Darkness of the World vis-à-vis the humanism of the Holy Will of the World.


629. The particle-idealism/'wavicle'-communism of the (spatial) Void vis-à-vis the 'particle'-totalitarianism/wavicle-transcendentalism of Heaven.


630. The particle-naturalism/'wavicle'-fascism of Time vis-à-vis the 'particle'-authoritarianism/wavicle-fundamentalism of Hell.


631. The particle-materialism/'wavicle'-capitalism of Volume vis-à-vis the 'particle'-parliamentarianism/wavicle nonconformism of Purgatory.


632. The particle-realism/'wavicle'-socialism of Mass vis-à-vis the 'particle'-republicanism/wavicle humanism of the world.


633. The spatial space of the Cosmos is divisible between the alpha of photon particles and the omega-in-the-alpha of photon 'wavicles'.


634. The spaced space of Heaven is divisible between the alpha-in-the-omega of photon 'particles' and the omega of photon wavicles.


635. The sequential time of the Firmament is divisible between the alpha of proton particles and the omega-in-the-alpha of proton 'wavicles'.


636. The repetitive time of Hell is divisible between the alpha-in-the-omega of proton 'particles' and the omega of proton wavicles.


637. The volumetric volume of the Moon is divisible between the alpha of neutron particles and the omega-in-the-alpha of neutron 'wavicles'.


638. The voluminous volume of Purgatory is divisible between the alpha-in-the-omega of neutron 'particles' and the omega of neutron wavicles.


639. The massed mass of the Earth is divisible between the alpha of electron particles and the omega-in-the-alpha of electron 'wavicles'.


640. The massive mass of the World is divisible between the alpha-in-the-omega of electron 'particles' and the omega of electron wavicles.


641. The idealism and communism and totalitarianism and transcendentalism of the forebrain, as against the naturalism and fascism and authoritarianism and fundamentalism of the backbrain.


642. The realism and socialism and republicanism and humanism of the left midbrain, as against the materialism and capitalism and parliamentarianism and nonconformism of the right midbrain.


643. The molecular photons of idealism and totalitarianism within the forebrain vis-à-vis the elemental photons of communism and transcendentalism within the superconscious.


644. The molecular protons of naturalism and authoritarianism within the backbrain vis-à-vis the elemental protons of fascism and fundamentalism within the subconscious.


645. The molecular electrons of realism and republicanism within the left midbrain vis-à-vis the elemental electrons of socialism and humanism within the unconscious.


646. The molecular neutrons of materialism and parliamentarianism within the right midbrain vis-à-vis the elemental neutrons of capitalism and nonconformism within the conscious.


647. To divide the forebrain, via a hand held vertically down the face, into 'old forebrain' and 'new forebrain', with idealism on the one side (farthest from) and totalitarianism on the other side (nearest to), as between alpha and alpha-in-the-omega.


648. To divide the superconscious, as above, into 'old superconscious' and 'new superconscious', with communism on the one side (nearest to) and transcendentalism on the other side (farthest from), as between omega-in-the-alpha and omega.


649. To divide the backbrain, via a hand held vertically down the back of the head, into 'old backbrain' and 'new backbrain', with naturalism on the one side (farthest from) and authoritarianism on the other side (nearest to), as between alpha and alpha-in-the-omega.


650. To divide the subconscious, as above, into 'old subconscious' and 'new subconscious', with fascism on the one side (nearest to) and fundamentalism on the other side (farthest from), as between omega-in-the-alpha and omega.


651. To divide the left midbrain, via a hand held horizontally across the left side of the brain, into 'old left-midbrain' and 'new left-midbrain', with realism in the one case (farthest from) and republicanism in the other case (nearest to), as between alpha and alpha-in-the-omega.


652. To divide the unconscious, as above, into 'old unconscious' and 'new unconscious', with socialism in the one case (nearest to) and humanism in the other case (farthest from), as between omega-in-the-alpha and omega.


653. To divide the right midbrain, via a hand held horizontally across the right side of the brain, into 'old right-midbrain' and 'new right-midbrain', with materialism in the one case (farthest from) and parliamentarianism in the other case (nearest to), as between alpha and alpha-in-the-omega.


654. To divide the conscious, as above, into 'old conscious' and 'new conscious', with capitalism in the one case (nearest to) and nonconformism in the other case (farthest from), as between omega-in-the-alpha and omega.


655. In saluting, the open hand is alpha and objective, whereas the closed hand (fist) is omega and subjective.


656. Each molecular/elemental spectrum has a salute relative to itself.


657. The outstretched arm and open hand of molecular idealism/totalitarianism, as against the outstretched arm and closed hand of elemental communism/transcendentalism.


658. The bent arm and open hand of molecular naturalism/authoritarianism, as against the bent arm and closed hand of elemental fascism/fundamentalism.


659. The arm-to-head (forehead) and open hand of molecular materialism/parliamentarianism, as against the arm-to-head (temple) and closed hand of elemental capitalism/nonconformism.


660. The arm-to-chest and open hand of molecular realism/republicanism, as against the arm-to-chest and closed hand of elemental socialism/humanism.


661. The outstretched arm salute is of forebrain space in the opened-hand contexts, and of superconscious heaven in the closed-hand contexts.


662. The bent arm salute is of backbrain time in the opened-hand contexts, and of subconscious hell in the closed-hand contexts.


663. The arm-to-head salute is of right-midbrain volume in the opened-hand contexts, and of conscious purgatory in the closed-hand contexts.


664. The arm-to-chest salute is of left-midbrain mass in the opened-hand contexts, and of the unconscious world in the closed-hand contexts.


665. The forebrain space of idealism and totalitarianism vis-à-vis the superconscious heaven of communism and transcendentalism.


666. The backbrain time of naturalism and authoritarianism vis-à-vis the subconscious hell of fascism and fundamentalism.


667. The right-midbrain volume of materialism and parliamentarianism vis-à-vis the conscious purgatory of capitalism and nonconformism.


668. The left-midbrain mass of realism and republicanism vis-à-vis the unconscious world of socialism and humanism.


669. Both science and politics are molecular, whereas both economics and religion are elemental.


670. Science corresponds to alpha, and politics to alpha-in-the-omega.


671. Economics corresponds to omega-in-the-alpha, and religion to omega.


672. Just as it is logical to speak of political science, so it is no-less logical to speak of economic religion.


673. Politics is 'scientific' to the extent that it is molecular, whereas economics is 'religious' to the extent that it is elemental.


674. Because they are molecular and objective, science and politics are respectively diabolic and masculine.


675. Because they are elemental and subjective, economics and religion are respectively feminine and divine.


676. Religion is never more divine than when transcendentalist.


677. Science is never more diabolic than when naturalist.


678. Politics is never more masculine than when parliamentarian.


679. Economics is never more feminine than when socialist.


680. The religious theocracy of transcendentalism.


681. The scientific autocracy of naturalism.


682. The political democracy of parliamentarianism.


683. The economic bureaucracy of socialism.


684. A divine (stellar) society will strive to harmonize religion, science, politics, and economics along heavenly lines.


685. A diabolic (solar) society will strive to harmonize religion, science, politics, and economics along hellish lines.


686. A masculine (lunar) society will strive to harmonize religion, science, politics, and economics along purgatorial lines.


687. A feminine (planar) society will strive to harmonize religion, science, politics, and economics along worldly lines.


688. The essence (truth) of religion is divine.


689. The essence (weakness) of science is diabolic.


690. The essence (evil) of politics is masculine.


691. The essence (beauty) of economics is feminine.


692. The essence (spirit) of divinity is wisdom.


693. The essence (soul) of devility is folly.


694. The essence (mind) of masculinity is cleverness.


695. The essence (will) of femininity is stupidity.


696. The essence (being) of wisdom is joy.


697. The essence (feeling) of folly is humiliation.


698. The essence (knowing) of cleverness is hate.


699. The essence (doing) of stupidity is pleasure.


700. Vocal blues is the music of the Clear Light of the Void, whereas instrumental blues is the music of the Unclear Light of Heaven.


701. Vocal jazz is the music of the Unholy Spirit of the Void, whereas instrumental jazz is the music of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


702. Vocal pop is the music of the Clear Heat of Time, whereas instrumental pop is the music of the Unclear Heat of Hell.


703. Vocal rock is the music of the Unholy Spirit of Time, whereas instrumental rock is the music of the Holy Soul of Hell.


704. Vocal avant-garde is the music of the Clear Coldness of Volume, whereas instrumental avant-garde is the music of the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory.


705. Vocal romantic is the music of the Unholy Mind of Volume, whereas instrumental romantic is the music of the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


706. Vocal folk is the music of the Clear Darkness of Mass, whereas instrumental folk is the music of the Unclear Darkness of the World.


707. Vocal classical is the music of the Unholy Will of Mass, whereas instrumental classical is the music of the Holy Will of the World.



LONDON 1993 (Revised 2011)