Myself, if I were the leader of

A Social Transcendental Centre,

That radically-theocratic

And free-electron ideological entity,

I would prefer to travel about by 'chopper'

Or motorbike than by car.

Imagine a convoy of black limousines

Heading from the leader's headquarters

To wherever he wants/has to go.

Isn't there something bourgeois

And starkly middle-of-the-road about

Such a mode of transportation, better suited

To democratic prime ministers and presidents

Than to theocratic leaders?

Why should he be driven about like a bourgeois,

As though partial to expensive cars,

When he would be more in his ideological element

With a motorbike, even if in a sidecar?

Wouldn't he be partial to zipper jackets,

Since beyond the use of button-up coats,

And wouldn't they prove more relevant

To motorbikes than to cars?

Yes, I dare say they would, since connoting,

Like bikes, with a transcendental bias,

Symptomatic of a theocratic extremism.

So for short trips from, say,

One part of town to another,

A convoy of motorbikes,

Their riders clad in black,

A kind of elite bodyguard - booted, helmeted, armed,

The leader somewhere in the middle of the convoy,

Well-protected at all times.

And for long trips, a 'chopper',

Well-protected in the air and monitored

From the ground - fast and transcendental.