Just as atomic evolution proceeds, through man, from

A proton- and/or atomic-particle Kingdom to

An atomic-wavicle Church, and then (following

the rise of a neutron-wavicle Church) from

A neutron- and/or electron-particle State to

An electron-wavicle Centre,

So class evolution mirrors a similar progression,

Beginning with the proton- and/or atomic-particle

Aristocracy/peasantry, continuing with

The atomic-wavicle plutocracy/workers, beginning afresh

With the neutron- and/or electron-particle

Bureaucracy/proletariat, and culminating with

The electron-wavicle meritocracy/superfolk.

During the proton and atomic stages of evolution,

The minority classes - namely aristocracy

And plutocracy - exploit the majority classes

Of the peasantry and workers.

During the neutron and/or electron

Stages of evolution, however, the majority classes -

Namely proletariat and superfolk - are served

By the minority classes

Of the bureaucracy and meritocracy.

An overlap from one class-stage to another

Does of course obtain, though

The emergence of a third class-stage

Renders the first untenable.

The distinction, furthermore,

Between particle and wavicle stages

Is in regard to manual and intellectual work,

As befitting their respective natures.

Thus whereas the peasantry and proletariat

Are both engaged, according to

Their particle biases, in manual work

(the first naturally, through toil in fields,

the second artificially, through toil in factories),

The workers and superfolk, by contrast,

Are engaged, according to their wavicle biases, in

Brain work (the former naturally,

through clerical work, the latter supernaturally,

through the use, in research, of computers,

calculators, cassette recorders, and so on).

From field to factory, and from office to laboratory.