Republics are synonymous

With neutron and electron particles,

Whether the liberal republic

That shares power between

The wavicle-biased bourgeoisie

And the particle-biased proletariat,

Or the so-called People's Republic

Which transfers power to

The particle-biased proletariat

And does away with the bourgeoisie.

In the first case, an atomic compromise

Between church and state.

In the second case, a post-atomic state exclusivity.

In other words, a progression

From relativity to absolutism.

But also, in some sense, a regression

From wavicle relativity to particle absolutism.

Certainly one should carefully distinguish

Between this post-atomic democratic materialism

And a free-electron theocratic spirituality,

As appertaining to the Centre which,

In contrast to the republican state,

Will reflect a wavicle bias in accordance

With an aspiration towards pure spirit.

The post-atomic status is

An extension of the democratic spectrum,

The free-electron status ... the inception of

A truly theocratic spectrum,

In which sovereignty is vested in the Leader ...

As embodied Holy Ghost.  The Centre, then,

Is above all democratic sovereignty, whether

Of the liberal or socialist republican kinds, and is

Thus beyond both Christianity and Antichristianity

In what is potentially if not, at this point in time,

Actually the true world religion

Of theocratic Centrism,

As conceived of and introduced by

He who, in his own logically grounded estimation,

Regards himself as loosely corresponding

To a Second Coming.