While thinking in terms of racial roots

Is permissible within an open society

Of democratic provenance,

It would be taboo within a closed society

Of theocratic persuasion, such as

A Social Transcendental Centre, where neither Celts

Nor Anglo-Saxons and Jews would exist,

But only free-electron ideologues

Partial to a supra-national designation.

If nationals can also be tribalists -

Englishmen Anglo-Saxons or Irishmen Celts -

Then supra-nationals will only be transcendentalists,

Even if Irish and Israeli or Iranian ones,

Depending on their national background.

Thus an Irish Social Transcendentalist

Would be first and foremost an ideologue,

Albeit one of Irish descent.

He won't be an Irishman, still less a Celt,

Since both national and subnational ascriptions

Will cease to be relevant

In a Social Transcendental Centre.

If Eire is destined to become

The first ideological component in

A sort of federation

Of Social Transcendental Centres,

Then it will have to cease being Eire

And instead become

An Irish Social Transcendental Centre,

Elevated to the supra-national status

Of a full-blown theocracy under

The Messianic guidance of he who, for a

Variety of reasons, most corresponds to

A Second Coming and intends to establish

His heavenly 'kingdom', the Centre, on earth ...

In order that all worldly kingdoms

May be overcome and the world brought to

A theocratic unity in transcendental Centrism,

As the necessary precondition

Of subsequent, or millennial, evolution.