Millennial evolution does of course imply

The creation, by qualified technicians, of

The life forms destined to supersede

The superhuman/superbeingful 'men'

Of the Centrist civilization - namely

The artificially-supported and sustained

Brain collectivizations of the Supermen,

Followed, some time later, by

The new-brain collectivizations

Of the Superbeings; the first post-human life form

Antithetical to apes,

The second one antithetical to trees;

The former engaged in hypertripping,

Or undergoing hallucinogenic enlightenment

More extensively and intensively

Than would be possible on the human plane;

The latter engaged in hypermeditating,

Or meditating more extensively and intensively

Than would be possible on the human plane;

The distinction between them amounting

To a more radical duplication of

The preceding superhuman/superbeingful stages

Of Centrist civilization, leading

(via the Superbeings) to transcendence,

And thus to the attainment of pure spirit

To the spatial Beyond where, in conjunction

With numerous other spiritual transcendences, it will

Proceed on its heavenly journey towards

The culmination of all evolution in

The definitive spiritual unity of the Omega Absolute -

The ultimate, or universal, globe ... of pure spirit,

The blessed being of

The Holy Spirit in the bliss of Eternity.

Yet before the spatial Beyond of ... Heaven,

The heavenly millennium of ...

The post-human life forms,

The first stage set on earth,

The second ... in space,

Each stage a full-blown version

Of the coming civilization, which will be

A millennium of post-humanist endeavour,

As championed and led by Social Transcendentalism.