What may appear a contradiction

Is often the extension of a viewpoint

From the main perspective to a subordinate

And tangential one, or vice versa,

So that, whilst a general trend

Is discernible in the historical evolution

Of the subject in question,

Subordinate or peripheral trends

Are also to be discerned, if one has

The desire or ability to change one's viewpoint.

There is a particle aspect to every electron,

A wavicle aspect to every proton,

And although these may be subordinate

To the main aspects, or general perspective,

Nevertheless they exist and should be

Taken into account if a comprehensive picture,

Necessarily paradoxical, is ultimately to emerge.

One cannot presume that all artists follow

A rigorously logical course.

There are always anarchic and arbitrary

Employments of any given medium,

Be it paint, light, stone, or whatever.

But, as a rule, they won't preponderate!