1.   To conceive, if rather poetically, of blue-eyed whites as the flower of the human race, green-eyed whites as its stalk, and brown-eyed whites as the roots of this Caucasian plant, as germane, by and large, to Europe, and northern Europe in particular.


2.   Brown-eyed coloureds, whether Black or Asian, could be described, in like vein, as the soil of the human race, while those with almond eyes might well be its fire and/or sun.


3.   On the other hand, persons with grey eyes could well qualify for an analogy with the sea and thus, in effect, with water.


4.   Be that as it may, to speak of racial equality with regard to persons of similar eye coloration is one thing; to speak of it with regard to persons of dissimilar colours seems to me to fly in the face of reality and overlook the obvious - namely, that eye coloration is an indication of racial inequality, not the only one, by any means, but a significant and vital indication nevertheless!


5.   People of mixed race - even within the broad spectrum of colours found in the white race - often have mixed eye coloration, like greenish blue or bluish green, and so on, while those who are most racially pure tend to reflect this in the unadulterated or uniform coloration of their eyes.


6.   Generally it is right and proper that people of blue and even green eyes, as of combinations of each, should rise to the top of society and have positions of responsibility commensurate with their racial natures.


7    A world dominated by brown-eyed people would not be particularly high-minded but, on the contrary, too earthy and mundane for anything of truly cultural or religious significance to emerge.


8.   The Germans, together with the Irish and Scandinavians, are amongst the most blue-eyed peoples in Europe, whereas the English and French, although containing blue- and even green-eyed persons, show a racial bias towards brown eyes which speaks volumes for their down-to-earth natures and opposition to idealistic or transcendental predilections.  It also indicates to this writer a capacity, amply demonstrated by history, for cosmopolitanism and empire either completely lacking or only tangentially applicable to such peoples as mentioned above.


9.   The Third Reich is only fully explicable on the basis of a blue-eyed racial highness, largely germane to Germany and kindred lands, which felt itself under threat from both internal and external races of a largely, if not exclusively, brown-eyed constitution and duly 'broke out' of the siege mentality under which it had existed, to wreak havoc on the races in question.


10.  The Third Reich was not imperialism in the classic Western or even Eastern models of countries like France, England, Spain, and Russia, but, rather, a reaction of racial highness to the perceived threat posed by racially lower countries and peoples to its racial and national interests.


11.  For blue-eyed races will not normally go out of their way to involve themselves imperialistically with brown-eyed races farther afield, but prefer, as in the case of Ireland and even Germany, to cultivate their own garden, so to speak, in the interests of racial pureness and growth.  The foreigner, especially when other than white and blue-eyed, is perceived as either an irrelevance or, in exceptional circumstances, a threat, to be dealt with accordingly.


12.  Nothing is more important to a higher race than the protection of its gene pool and racial characteristics from the threat of pollution and vitiation at the hands of racially lower peoples.


13.  There is nothing higher on this planet, nor has there ever been, than the blue- and even green-eyed peoples who constitute what I elsewhere described as the flower of humanity, and from which the highest achievements in civilization and culture, but especially culture, tend to flow.


14.  The world is well populated with brown-eyed peoples, but those regions which have produced blue and green eyes are not so prevalent, nor even as populous overall, and deserve such protection and encouragement as they can get, to ensure that higher racial material is not snuffed out by the general pattern of things, but can flourish and spread its enlightenment to kindred peoples in the interests of cultural progress.