1.   A society given to the institutional protection and advancement of sensibility across the elemental spectrum, so to speak, of both eternal and temporal options in the above Messianic fashion would be one in which the wise righteousness of cultural holiness took precedence not only over the good unrighteousness of racial unclearness, like a noumenal Son over a noumenal Mother, but also over the wise righteousness of civilized holiness and the good unrighteousness of generative unclearness, corresponding to a phenomenal Son and a phenomenal Mother, this last-mentioned context, effectively that of the womb, no less the per se manifestation of the Mother than the first-mentioned context, effectively that of the lungs, is the per se manifestation of the Son, and thus of that which offers a graceful fulcrum in transcendental meditation.


2.   Such a society is beyond anything rooted in the evil righteousness of cultural clearness and the foolish unrighteousness of racial unholiness, corresponding to noumenal manifestations of the Daughter and the Father, not to mention anything rooted in the evil righteousness of civilized clearness and the foolish unrighteousness of generative unholiness, as germane to phenomenal manifestations of the Daughter and the Father, the last-mentioned context, effectively that of the phallus, being no less the per se manifestation of the Father than the first-mentioned context, effectively that of the eyes, is the per se manifestation of the Daughter, and thus of that which offers a criminal fulcrum in fundamentalist contemplation.


3.   Thus metaphysical salvation from racial unholiness to cultural holiness, as from a secondary Father to a primary Son, presupposes metachemical damnation from cultural clearness to racial unclearness, as from a primary Daughter to a secondary Mother, while physical salvation from generative unholiness to civilized holiness, as from a primary Father to a secondary Son,  presupposes chemical damnation from civilized clearness to generative unclearness, as from a secondary Daughter to a primary Mother.


4.   Goodness will not stay long under wisdom, whether noumenal or phenomenal, absolute or relative, unless wisdom is sufficiently bound in self to oblige goodness to follow suit, albeit in relation to constraints upon the objectivity of metachemical and/or chemical not-self rather than in relation to enhanced subjectivity of metaphysical and/or physical self, as germane to what is properly male in both divine and masculine contexts.


5.   Therefore unless there is a genuine resolve for wisdom, or the righteousness of cultural and/or civilized holiness, the likelihood of females being pegged to the good unrighteousness of racial and/or generative unclearness for very long is pretty slim, bearing in mind their preference for the evil righteousness of cultural and/or civilized clearness in the sensual hegemonies of metachemistry and chemistry - the one over metaphysics and the other over physics.


6.   Like it or not, evil and folly 'will out' and have their day even in the best of societies, for we cannot be exclusively sensible, nor, fanatical exceptions to the rule notwithstanding, should we try to be so.  Sensuality is everywhere the bedrock of sensibility, and therefore something that has to be allowed for and accepted even after you have officially set-up the institutional guarantors of sensibility and made morality your official ideal.


7.   Therefore even 'Kingdom Come', should it democratically come to pass, will have to allow for and accept not merely the likelihood but the inevitability of backsliding from the ideal, or various sensible ideals, to a more sensual basis, since one cannot fly in the face of reality without paying a heavy price. 


8.   But one can certainly set about encouraging sensibility and making it harder for sensuality to prevail to anything like the same extent as in so-called open or free societies.  Doubtless one of the most efficacious ways of doing so, especially where females are concerned, would be to encourage the voluntary consumption, within the religious structures of our projected triadic Beyond, of certain drugs whose influence was known to be likely to constrain objectivity and effectively bottle-up the sorts of freedoms accruing to a creature for whom not-self is primary and self secondary, so that females became more respectful of male subjectivity and any enhancement of it in relation both to intellectual and emotional, cognitive and meditative, endeavours on the part of males.


9.   I have gone into this and kindred subjects before, so will not tire either myself or the reader with additional suggestions at this juncture, but I do not doubt that if a moral lead and mean is to persist in the otherworldly context of 'Kingdom Come', it will require more than good will on behalf of those taking part, since the reality of female moral intransigence and even opposition to prolonged sensibility will remain a potent factor to be reckoned with, long after any hypothetical resolve to institute a sensible new order had borne tangible fruit.


10.  Therefore while one must hold out at least some hope of a better world to come, as premised upon a moral resolve to uphold cultural and civilized holiness over racial and generative unclearness, one cannot expect any dramatic change in the overall ratio of sensual to sensible factors in the foreseeable future, least of all while human beings still exist as human beings rather than in some hypothetical cyborg-to-post-human transmutation offering scope for enhanced sensibility, not to mention while cosmic energies are still unchallenged by, for instance, what in certain earlier texts I was apt to call 'blocking devices', or large filtering shields that could be set in space specifically with a view to reducing the kinds of incoming energies or rays or whatever that tend to condition humanity along lines owing more to the freedoms of sensuality than to the bindings of sensibility, not to mention more to the negativity of inorganic primacy than to the positivity of organic supremacy.


11.  Certainly, progressive and radical steps could be taken to, if you like, subtly change the terms of life.  But they would take time, much time, and are only likely to materialize, if at all, within an otherworldly context like 'Kingdom Come', whereby a definite omega-oriented, and hence sensible, resolve had become the official and therefore institutional norm. 


12.  So-called 'open societies', on the other hand, tend to be all-too-open to the Cosmos and to both religious decadence and space exploration conceived within the broadly objective parameters of an ongoing external curiosity.  They are also given to freedom in a way which tends to place the emphasis on sensuality rather than sensibility, and to uphold, in consequence, culture and civilization on the female terms of righteous clearness, to which, willy-nilly, the unrighteous follies of racial and generative unholiness are obliged to bow, as to a blessed hegemony of not-self freedom of action for females over the cursed self-abasement of males.


13.  Thus has it long been in the West and not only the West but much of the East, including the Middle East, as well, and thus will it continue to be until such time, if ever, as 'Kingdom Come' begins to make democratically-achieved headway into the secular - if not effectively paganistic and/or heathenistic - status quo, to the lasting advantage of those who, as males, would profit considerably from being saved from the curse of their under-plane freedom from self to an over-plane binding to self in which not evil but wise modes of culture and civilization prevailed for ever more - indeed, for all Eternity, in response to the will of He who proclaims himself Second Coming, and hence Son-of-Sons or God-of-Gods.


14.  For there is no wise God-the-Son except in relation to transcendental meditation, and therefore no holy Heaven-the-Soul achieved by God-the-Son on the back, as it were, of both the wise God-the-Father and the holy Heaven-the-Spirit, as germane to the will of the lungs to breathe and the out-breath itself within the inner metaphysical context of respiratory sensibility.  Only thus does supreme being achieve a heavenly resolution in the most consummate joy.