1.   What is strictly male, and therefore subjective and secondary (to females), appertains to the natural and subnatural aspects, in vegetation and air, of Nature, and to the conscious and subconscious aspects, in ego and soul, of Psyche.


2.   What is strictly female, and therefore objective and primary (in relation to males), appertains to the unnatural and supernatural aspects, in fire and water, of Nature, and to the unconscious and superconscious aspects, in soul and ego or, rather, in modified soul (id) and ego (superego), of Psyche.


3.   Males have a much more developed ego and soul in relation to Psyche than females, who rarely rise above third- and fourth-rate orders of each (see earlier texts), but females have a much more developed or, at any rate, prominent will and spirit in relation to Nature than males who, by contrast, rarely rise above third- and fourth-rate orders of each (as already explained in certain earlier texts). 


4.   Consequently the genders approach life from contrary standpoints, and to evaluate the one gender according to criteria (once understood) applicable to the other ... is to fall into one of the greatest, and most prevalent, of errors, and an error, alas, of which contemporary Western society is far from innocent!


5.   One cannot even evaluate females in terms of sin and grace, folly and unholiness or wisdom and holiness in each case, since such subjective attributes apply principally to males and only secondarily, if at all, to females.  No, evaluation of females has to be conducted in terms of crime and punishment, evil and clearness or goodness and unclearness, with the latter pair very much the sensible alternative to the former.


6.   Just so, one does not speak of Father and Son, still less of Heaven and Earth, in relation to females but, more properly, of Daughter and Mother, Hell and Purgatory in respect not of the subjective elements of vegetation and air, physics and metaphysics, but of the objective elements of fire and water, metachemistry and chemistry, which, like females, stem from and appertain to a vacuum as opposed to a plenum.


7.   Being objective, females do not rise diagonally between the sensuality and sensibility of noumenal or phenomenal planes, but fall diagonally in what amounts, for them, to a devolutionary regression from sensuality to sensibility, space to time and/or volume to mass.  Hence they fall, in such fashion, from the Daughter to the Mother, as from crime to punishment.


8.   But just as there is both sin and grace in the male dichotomy between not-self and self, Nature and Psyche, so there is a comparable distinction between crime and punishment where females are concerned, since the objective not-self is ever criminal and the objective self, whether phenomenal or noumenal, ever punishing (of the criminality in question).


9.   However, one can note a distinction, once again, between a maxi-criminality in the sensual not-self and a mini-punishingness in the sensual self, as between a mini-criminality in the sensible not-self and a maxi-punishingness in the sensible self.


10.  In so doing, we will be led to draw a distinction between a maxi-criminality, as it were, of the Will and the Spirit in either the unnatural or the supernatural manifestations of sensual Nature, and a mini-punishingness, so to speak, of or, better, by the Soul and the Ego or, more correctly, by the Id and the Superego in either the unconscious or the superconscious manifestations of sensual Psyche, while, contrariwise, drawing a parallel distinction between a mini-criminality of the Will and the Spirit in either the unnatural or the supernatural manifestations of sensible Nature, and a maxi-punishingness by the Id and the Superego in either the unconscious or the superconscious manifestations of sensible Psyche.


11.  Thus, in sensual metachemistry, we can distinguish the maxi-criminality of Devil-the-Evil-Daughter and Hell-the-Clear-Spirit from the mini-punishingness of Devil-the-Evil-Mother and Hell-the-Clear-Id, whilst, in sensible metachemistry, which is the damnation of the devilish, we should be able to distinguish the mini-criminality of Devil-the-Good-Daughter and Hell-the-Unclear-Spirit from the maxi-punishingness of Devil-the-Good-Mother and Hell-the-Unclear-Id.


12.  Likewise, in sensual chemistry, we can distinguish the maxi-criminality of Woman-the-Evil-Daughter and Purgatory-the-Clear-Spirit from the mini-punishingness of Woman-the-Evil-Mother and Purgatory-the-Clear-Superego, whilst, in sensible chemistry, which is the damnation of the womanly, we should be able to distinguish the mini-criminality of Woman-the-Good-Daughter and Purgatory-the-Unclear-Spirit from the maxi-punishingness of Woman-the-Good-Mother and Purgatory-the-Unclear-Superego.


13.  Therefore punishment and unclearness are no more strictly commensurate than criminality and clearness.  Unclearness is no less a sensible complement to punishment than clearness a sensual complement to criminality.  The fact is that, in metachemistry and chemistry, both the Will and the Spirit are germane to Nature, and therefore criminal, whereas both the Id, as instinctually modified Soul, and the Superego, as spiritually modified Ego, are germane to Psyche, and therefore punishing.


14.  The Spirit here, whether clear or unclear, sensual or sensible, is no less criminal than the Will: it is simply criminal in a different way, with regard to unnatural and/or supernatural quantities as opposed to appearances, as relevant to either metachemical or chemical manifestations of molecular particles and elemental particles respectively.


15.  The Ego (Superego) here, whether evil or good, sensual or sensible, is no less punishing than the Soul (Id): it is simply punishing in a different way, with regard to unconscious and/or superconscious qualities as opposed to essences, as relevant to either metachemical or chemical manifestations of molecular wavicles and elemental wavicles respectively.


16.  But, of course, there will be more criminality in sensuality than in sensibility and, conversely, more punishment in sensibility than in sensuality, which is why I have distinguished 'maxi' from 'mini' manifestations of each, while still accepting that the spatial space  of sensual metachemistry will be the one with, due to its unnatural Nature, the principal manifestation of criminality for females, while the massed mass of sensible chemistry will be that in which, due to its superconscious Psyche, the principal manifestation of punishment is to be found.


17.  But, either way, crime will always attach to the metachemical and chemical not-selves, whether in will or spirit, and punishment to the metachemical and chemical selves, whether in id (instinctualized soul) or superego (spiritualized ego).  Both the eyes and the heart, not to mention their spiritual corollaries in sight-light and blood, are criminal contexts, as are the tongue and the womb, not to mention their spiritual corollaries in saliva and amniotic fluid.  Only the self, whether metachemical or chemical, given primarily to unconsciousness or primarily to superconsciousness, is worthy of being equated with punishment, irrespective of whether in absolute (noumenal) or relative (phenomenal) terms, and this, as we have seen, is inseparable from crime.