What began in the fire

Must conclude with the light.

What arose in the daytime

Must decline with the night.


The advent of man

Had its roots in the apes,

Who preceded the pagans

As a vine precedes grapes.


Yet man isn't static

But proceeds to evolve,

And from pagan to Christian

Shows greater resolve.


Now the Christian has passed

The transcendent has begun,

And man stands a stage closer

To the Nietzschean superman.


The Superman is post-human

And towards him man will tend.

But his future successor

Is by no means the end.


For from there to the Superbeing

Is the stage on the threshold

Of eventual transcendence

And escape from the flesh-hold.


Then globes of pure spirit

Will expand into space,

Leaving planets behind them

With never a trace.


And expansion will lead

To the merging of separateness.

Where once they were many,

They will end-up in oneness.