Even if more advanced civilizations

Than the Earth's had attained to transcendence

And thereby established

Spiritual Globes in the Universe,

Those globes of pure spirit wouldn't be God,

Any more than planets are the Devil,

But only what precedes God.


Even if every civilization but man's

Had attained to transcendence,

The resulting globes of pure spirit

In the Universe still wouldn't be God,

Irrespective of whether they had all merged

Into one another and formed an indivisible whole.

The absence of man's contribution

And its eventual expansion

Towards the larger globe of pure spirit

Would preclude the formation

Of Ultimate Oneness, which is the Omega Absolute,

In complete contrast

To the separate, manifold nature

Of the Alpha Absolute(s), or stars.


Only with the eventual establishment

Of the Omega Absolute would God

Actually exist as Ultimate Oneness,

Whereas, in the meantime, He would be

In the process of formation,

Like a foetus in the womb,

Struggling to be born.


Just as one should never confound planets

With the Alpha Absolute(s),

So one should never imagine

That God is established, following transcendence.

The Spiritual Globes which emerge

From superbeings, in various parts of the Universe,

Would be but the final stage

On the road to Ultimate Oneness,

Expanding towards one another in response

To the mutual attraction of Being.