You don't get to a free-electron society

Without splitting the atom,

And if the world is to be brought

Closer to a post-atomic status,

Then the atom will have to be split,

Since nuclear fission

Is conducive to such a status

And can only be appropriate to an age

In which the societal atom has to be split,

An age transitional between atomic relativity

And electron absolutism.

A world in which the societal atom

Had been split would be very different

From the one currently in existence.

It would be a much more interiorized world,

In which artificial criteria

Considerably preponderated over natural criteria.

For you don't get to the Supernatural

By being dependent on nature!

Willy-nilly, life will have to go forwards,

Irrespective of whatever

Reactionary naturalists and atomists now think.

Man will increasingly live off his own oxygen,

Food, drink, synthetic resources,

And thus become Superman,

Independent of nature - Supernatural!