Are you defeated by the world

Or do you intend to conquer it?

Do you run away from evil

Or will you go forward to meet it?

Do you oppose the proletariat

Or are you their mate?

When you have your way, will it be

To run away from hammering noises

Or to have them banned?

Must you seek sanctuary,

In the country, from dogs,

Or is your hand destined to sign their doom?

Can you tell 'the low' from 'the high',

Or are you deaf and blind to both?

Have you settled accounts with your enemies

Or is that a future ambition?

Can the bad-natured see where you stand

Or have you been hiding away from them?

When the good-natured are in need of help,

Will you rush to their assistance

Or leave them to perish?

Does the world appeal to you

Or are you dedicated to its overthrow?

Could you put an end to evil

Or will evil put an end to you?

If the Truth is to be born,

Are you prepared to kill-off the Lie?

In speaking of salvation,

Are you also mindful of the Damned?

Is your hand destined

To divide the chaff from the wheat,

Or will some other do it for you?