As politics degenerates towards democratic anarchy,

So, by a counter principle, economics becomes

More important until, with the nadir of

Political degeneration in Marxist socialism, it becomes

All-important, symptomatic of the final decadence.

Contrary to this trend of the rise of the lowest

Towards a position of paramount importance,

Social Transcendentalism will champion

The expansion of religion at the expense of politics,

And to a point where economics would be

Firmly subordinated to theocratic requirement.

Instead of leading an independent life,

As it all-too-often does these days, economics

Would become the servant of religion,

While Social Transcendentalism strove to expand its base

And further Centrist civilization in the world generally

But the more theocratic parts of it in particular.

Ownership of the means of production

Would no longer be solely a plutocratic or even

A bureaucratic affair, but would pass, duly transmuted, to

The meritocracy, who alone would be responsible

For the allocation of funds, with particular emphasis

On meritocratic affairs, though with

Due deference to bureaucracy, albeit a minimum one.