It is easy to mistake
The apparent for the essential,
To confound protons with electrons,
Particularly when the former
Take on, in human atomicity,
A civilized electron veneer,
And the latter, as masses,
Are obliged to work/behave in a forceful manner,
Thus appearing to have a proton bias.
It is even easier to discard
The essential for the apparent,
To favour an apparent absolutism,
Albeit one couched in essential terms,
So that the apparent appears complete in itself,
And any subsequent reference to
A theocracy-biased, free-electron aspiration is ruled out,
More on account of ignorance than wilful malice.
Thinking on apparent terms about the world
And its historical evolution can lead to
A superficial notion of what constitutes
The main motive or driving-force behind its
Historical evolution - namely the class war,
As between bourgeoisie and proletariat.
But while this is indeed a
motive force for change,
It is only the apparent one,
Born of contingent, ephemeral factors
Which vary according to epoch and environment.
The essential driving-force and focus of tension
In the world's historical evolution
Will be completely overlooked,
Being something that can only be grasped
From a theocratic standpoint.
And what is this something if not the 'sex war'
Between selfless women and selfish men,
The apparent bias of each sex
Paradoxically belying the essential one,
Which in women is particle-hard and in men wavicle-soft?
It isn't class division which is the real obstacle
To a brotherhood of men but ...
The intrusion of women between them,
Cutting them off from one another
As a possessive suspicion and sexual distrust
Condition their mutual relations.
Only when men are freed, by religion,
From the possessive clutches of women
Will a true 'brotherhood of man' be possible.
Yet this can only happen in a deeply theocratic society,
Where the essential will take
Considerable precedence over the apparent.