It is easier to treat woman as the equal of man

When she makes a determined attempt to be equal

Than when she insists on her womanhood.

A woman with short hair and fingernails,

No make-up, dressed in pants and low-heels,

Is more likely to strike men as equal

Than one whose appearance is traditionally feminine.

If she is well-educated and cultured to boot,

That is an even better reason

To regard her as an equal.

But too many women insist on being considered

The equals of men

When they make no real effort to be so.

This is wrong; for a woman

Will only be treated as a 'lesser man'

When she looks and behaves like one.

At present sexual equality

Still has a long way to go,

Especially when women insist on taking

The seats offered them by well-intentioned,

Though fundamentally deluded, males

In crowded buses or trains.

A truly liberated woman, or 'lesser man',

Would refuse such an offer,

Deeming it unnecessary for one man

To abandon his seat for another.

And so it is, though

Only equals would know that!

A woman who doesn't look like an equal

Is likely to be treated unequally.

If, in future, women are treated more equally,

It will be because they'll be

More masculinized than at present.

A post-dualistic society should never

Think dualistically, though there will, of course,

Be occasional lapses, not least of all

In regard to propagation!