Supertheocracy is no mere Christian theocracy,
As applying to the spiritual side of Christ,
But the full-blown transcendental theocracy
Of the Second Coming, the theocracy
Not of the Church but of the Centre.
Supertheocracy appertains to the Supermen,
Those hypertripping Supernaturalists
In the Social Transcendentalist phase
Of the Centrist civilization to come.
Supra-theocracy appertains to the Supra-men,
Those hypermeditating Supra-naturalists
In the purely transcendental phase
Of the Centrist civilization, antithetically
Equivalent to the puritanical phase
Of the Christian civilization.
For whereas Puritanism signified
A neutron-wavicle equivalent,
Pure transcendentalism will signify
An electron-wavicle equivalent,
Eventually leading to the first
Of two ultimate life forms - namely
The Superbeings of the post-Human
Supertheocracy in the Centrist civilization
Has its parallel in the succeeding millennium,
And so, likewise, does Supra-theocracy.
The cultivation of pure spirit proceeds
From an indirect to a direct approach,
As from appearance to essence.
Supertheocracy will be contemplative,
Albeit on the most artificial terms.
Supra-theocracy will be meditative on the purest terms,
The wavicle absolutism of the mind
Awareness and ever greater awareness - that is
The air-stimulated challenge of evolution!