It makes a lot of difference whether

You are for the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost.

Some people, even now, are for the Father,

And are thus effectively neo-pagan.

Some people are still for the Son, being

Of that diehard core of genuine Christians.

Some people are neither for the Father

Nor for the Son but ... the Antichrist,

And are thus effectively communistic, favouring

The abandonment of all religious traditions.

Other people, who vary in numbers

From country to country, are for the Second Coming,

Being of the opinion that only he can lead the way

For the rebirth of religion

In an aspiration towards the Holy Ghost.

Some people, even now, are for the Holy Ghost,

And are thus effectively proto-transcendentalist,

Consciously dedicated to tripping

And/or meditating in hope

Of an approximation to pure mind.

These alone aspire towards the truly divine,

And, in time, they will be joined by many more!