The Millennium for me is a period in time

Beyond man and before ... Heaven,

A post-human period that succeeds

The last stage of human civilization

In the free-electron absolutism of Centrism,

As applying to the Supermen and Supra-men

Of the coming transcendental age.

Since these are earmarked to succeed

The Catholic and Protestant men

Of the Christian age, so will they be superseded

By the Superbeings and Supra-beings

Of the post-Human Millennium,

Who will in turn be superseded

By the Spiritual Globes

Of the post-Millennial Beyond.

Prior to Christian men, we find the submen

In the pagan age of proton absolutism,

And they signified a 'fall' from the moral innocence

Of tree-living apes in 'the Garden'

Of the pre-human period in time,

Which we can classify as the Alpha Millennium,

A truly subnatural absolutism

Of apes in branches and, prior to that,

Leaves on trees, which were preceded

By the Instinctual Globes of stars,

Whether large, medium, or small,

Unregenerate or cooling.

So just as transcendental men will be

Antithetical to the men of pagan antiquity,

So the Superbeings of the Omega Millennium

Will be antithetical to the apes, or submen,

Of the Alpha Millennium, and the Supra-beings thereof

Likewise antithetical to its trees or, rather, leaves,

Which we can classify as sub-beings,

If only to distinguish them from apes.

However, it is towards the Omega Millennium

Instead of back towards the Alpha Millennium

That man is slowly advancing,

And when he eventually gets there

His final overcoming will be for real,

With only a comparatively small number

Of men remaining to engineer the creation

And supervise the physical and spiritual wellbeing,

Of his god-like successors.