Stages in the Behind leading

From the first-cause central star

Of any particular galaxy to sun-type

Peripheral stars, and from there to planets,

As from the Alpha Absolute ...

Of a universal instinctual globe

To galactic and planetary instinctual globes -

Creators, devils, and demons,

In decreasing sizes proportionately.

Contrast this to stages

In our projected Beyond, leading

From planetary and galactic spiritual globes

To the universal spiritual globe ...

Of the Omega Absolute -

As from the Many and Few to the One,

With increases in size proportionately,

As convergence and expansion take

Their divinely-ordained course in the depths of space,

From planetary spiritual globes,

Each one arising from a Supra-being

In the second stage of millennial evolution,

To the larger galactic spiritual globes,

Antithetical to suns, until culmination

Is achieved in the universal spiritual globe ...

Of the Omega Absolute,

As the end-product of all previous

Convergences and expansions,

The complete antithesis to the Alpha Absolute

At the centre of each galaxy,

The Creator-equivalent with

Its wavicle proton-proton reactions, not one but ...

Thousands of them all over the Universe,

The source from which smaller stars 'fell',

To diverge and contract

In diabolic apartness of particle friction,

The infernal Behind of cosmic devolution,

Competition cosmos-without-end.

Astronomy and astrology are

Of this diabolic cosmos, the one physical

Or, rather, subphysical, and the other occult,

Concerned with interpreting

The instinctual effects upon the human psyche

Of stars and planets, reflecting

Enslavement to subnatural determinism.

Higher man, closer to the Beyond than

To the Behind, scorns these diabolic disciplines,

Won't have anything to do with them.

He knows that the future won't have

Anything to do with them either,

Preferring its closed-society absolutism

Of an aspiration towards the Beyond,

Dedicated, through Centrism, to the cultivation

Of pure spirit in free-electron attractions

Of mind to mind, a microcosmic approximation

To subsequent macrocosmic unification.