Marriage is a liberal bond

Between church and kingdom,

The Virgin and the Father transmuted,

Through Christian realism.

Woman as atomic-wavicle equivalent

And man as atomic-particle equivalent

During the act of procreation.

Soft and hard, hard into soft growing softer

Until climax eclipses both

In the most ecstatic sensation of physical soul!

Fear of descent into state promiscuity

At the heart of natural conservatism,

Its roots somewhere down in allegiance to nature.

No divorce if that encourages a split

Between church and state, and ...

Fans the flames of a state absolutism,

Antinaturalism growing to the point

Of exclusion of woman from sex,

A particle materialism of homosexual males.

All very bad from the standpoint

Of the Catholic Church, sexual decadence

A confirmation of moral decline.

So what's to be done?

Stay atomic for ever, keeping people married

In a liberal compromise?

No, evolution demands its way,

Else life will perish in deathly stasis!

For wavicle-biased peoples,

The answer is a new and higher wavicle bias,

A supernatural sexuality that

Transcends marriage, being above atomic dualism

In the free-electron absolutism

Of artificial individual sex, as germane

To a Social Transcendentalist ideological integrity,

Each person, whether male or female,

Independent of the opposite sex,

Since not recognizing a sexual dichotomy,

A plastic inflatable or vibrator

The physical concomitant

Of the 'social' side of the ideology,

A refined pornographic extremism, appertaining

To computers, the spiritual concomitant

Of the 'transcendental' side

Of this relativistic absolutism,

The supernatural successors to both

Coital and oral sex - the pornographic

More supra-natural than supernatural.  And babies?

Conceived, as before, by women, except that

The seed comes from sperm banks

And is artificially inseminated into

The prospective mother,

Thereby transcending the need for sexual materialism,

That church/state compromise, in a Centrist absolutism.

Oppose the antinatural if you will,

But don't regard the natural as worthy of eternal sanction,


The true evolutionist is a Supernaturalist,

Aligned with free-electron divinity.

He who is for the Holy Spirit is above marriage.

He who is for supertheocracy cannot be bureaucratic

Or democratic, still less autocratic!