Strictly speaking, sculpture is

An aristocratic art, painting a plutocratic art,

Light sculpture a technocratic art,

And holography a meritocratic art.

The sculptor is the first and lowest kind

Of atomic artist, corresponding to

An atomic-particle equivalent

In his phenomenal appearances.

The holographer is the second and highest kind

Of electron artist, corresponding to

An electron-wavicle equivalent

In his noumenal essences.

Hence autocracy and theocracy.

The painter is the second and highest kind

Of atomic artist, corresponding to

An atomic-wavicle equivalent

In his noumenal appearances.

The light sculptor is the first and lowest kind

Of electron artist, corresponding to

An electron-particle equivalent

In his phenomenal essences.

Hence bureaucracy and democracy.

Painting was an evolutionary 'rise'

From stone sculpture, light sculpture

An evolutionary 'fall' from painting.

Holography is an evolutionary 'rise'

From light sculpture, an art of the spirit

Instead of the intellect or body,

And, through it, art will attain

To its evolutionary climax.

If sculpture-proper was an inherently pagan mode

Of visual art, necessarily tactile,

Then painting was its Christian (and specifically

Roman Catholic) successor.

If light sculpture is an inherently Marxist mode

Of visual art, the electron bombardment

Of phosphor metaphorically suggestive

Of the militant proletariat, then holography

Will be its transcendental (and specifically

Social Transcendentalist) successor,

Bringing visual art to its wavicle culmination

In the purest visions.