(Phallic) FATHER AND (Vaginal) MOTHER


Strictly speaking, proton wavicles

Aren't of the Father but of Jehovah and/or Allah

In the oriental fundamentalism of a derivation

From the central star of the Galaxy -

The biggest and therefore purest star there.

By contrast, the Father was derived from

Both the sun, corresponding in oriental terms

To the Devil (Satan), and the earth's core -

That is, from a compromise

Between Eastern fundamentalism

And the phallic-based paganism of Western precedent.

Such a Father is less objectively divine, on

The alpha plane of divinity, than

A combination of diabolic and worldly,

But He is crucial to contiguity

With the Mother (nature) and thus

With the possibility of a Son (lunar Christ),

The very things which, from cosmic objectivity

In relation to alpha divinity,

Eastern fundamentalism has ever rejected.

Should sex be motivated by love (identifiable,

through emotional extrapolation, with

the solar component of the Father), it is deemed

Morally acceptable within the Western context.

But should it be divorced from emotional commitment

In a lustful promiscuity (identifiable,

through sensual extrapolation, with

the planetary component, viz. the earth's core, of

the Father alone), it is deemed

Morally unacceptable within that context (since,

by itself, the core is therein equivalent to the Devil - who

has no alternative reference-point - and so lustful sex

is accordingly identifiable with a diabolic bias).

Not so, however, in the Eastern context

Where, by contrast, emotional commitment

Would be morally suspect on account of its derivation

From the emotional plane (of the sun) and, hence,

Identification with what is objectively diabolic.

Harems were a traditional oriental way for the privileged

To escape the curse of emotional entanglement

Or enslavement (to the Devil), since they functioned

On the basis of a worldly promiscuity, and the world

Is less threatening (as sensational instinct) than

The Devil (as emotional instinct), to what

Is God (as spirit), given its greater distance

From the divine - like the planetary from the stellar -

And inability, in consequence, to subvert

Or eclipse, through fiery emotion, the divine light.

Hence the Western Father is really the Eastern Devil,

And because He is partly derived from the sun

He cannot be equated, like Jehovah or Allah,

With proton wavicles but only, like Satan,

With proton particles - a solar outer light

Which is less strong than weak in relation

To the (oriental) Almighty ...  of the stellar 'inner light',

Or central star of the Galaxy, and accordingly

A deity which, in complete contrast to

The higher alpha of oriental fundamentalism,

Has been evolved away from, via the successive

'Persons' of the Trinity, in due process of worldly time.




LONDON 1984 (Revised 2012)