Visions correspond to the wavicle aspect

Of the atom, whether in the proton-biased guise

Of natural visions or in the electron-biased guise

Of supernatural visions,

The one tending to precede the other

In the progression of the psyche

From subconscious to superconscious.

Thus whereas natural visions originate

In the subconscious as atomic-wavicle noumena

Commensurate with the Catholic Church,

Supernatural visions appertain

To the superconscious as atomic-wavicle noumena

Commensurate with the Centre, and particularly

With the Social Transcendental Centre,

Both of which are inherently theosophical,

Albeit, in the case of supernatural visions,

Genuinely so ... on account of

The electron essence of genuine theosophy,

A noumenon that began in the proton-biased,

And hence external, mould of natural visions.