Films are related not to plays but to dreams,

As though signifying a kind of external,

Artificial 'dreaming' applicable to a materialist age,

The antithesis of sleep-dreams, and so

Appertaining to an electron-particle equivalent.

If, in their proton appearances, dreams correspond

To the autocratic kingdom, then films correspond

To the democratic state, coming in-between

The natural visions of the Catholic Church

And the supernatural visions

Of our projected Social Transcendental Centre,

Both of which are wavicle equivalents,

And therefore impressive rather than expressive.

Thus films signify a 'fall' from

The static internal visions of a church age

To the active external visions of a state age,

Albeit, in the paradoxical nature of such 'falls', one

That is also a progression from the natural

To the antinatural and/or artificial,

Which, in discrediting the natural, allows for

The possibility of a subsequent, if unrelated,

Supernatural advance in the guise of 'acid tripping' -

The static, artificially-induced visions of a Centrist age.