1.   Everything above and, indeed, up till now in this text has dwelt on the elemental divisions and subdivisions of organic supremacy, the positivity of which gives rise to distinctions between evil beauty and love and good beauty and love in relation to the eyes/heart dichotomy of metachemistry, or evil strength and pride and good strength and pride in relation to the tongue/womb dichotomy of chemistry, or foolish knowledge and pleasure and wise knowledge and pleasure in relation to the phallus/brain dichotomy of physics, or foolish truth and joy and wise truth and joy in relation to the ears/lungs dichotomy of metaphysics.


2.   In what may be called the elemental divisions and subdivisions of inorganic primacy, on the other hand, everything is negative, and therefore distinctions within metachemistry in relation to a stellar/Venusian dichotomy are of the order of evil ugliness and hatred vis-à-vis good ugliness and hatred, or within chemistry in relation to a lunar/oceanic dichotomy are of the order of evil weakness and humility vis-à-vis good weakness and humility, or within physics in relation to a terrestrial/Martian dichotomy are of the order of foolish ignorance and pain vis-à-vis wise ignorance and pain, or within metaphysics in relation to a solar/Saturnian dichotomy are of the order of foolish falsity and woe vis-à-vis wise falsity and woe.


3.   For inorganic primacy is the negative foundation upon which organic supremacy has been raised and continues to raise itself, whether that primacy be cosmic (and noumenal) or geologic (and phenomenal), or, indeed, whether it be the product of human engineering and technological construction.


4.   Thus not only is it impossible for supremacy to attach itself to the inorganic, whether in relation to doing, being, giving, or taking, but it is impossible for the inorganic to transcend its own primacy and associate, whether directly or indirectly, with positive values.  Everything inorganic is, I repeat, negative, and it is this negativity which gives to anything inorganic a correlation with primacy, whether in sensuality or sensibility.


5.   And because everything inorganic is negative it is fitting to describe it in terms of Antinature, distinguishing between metachemical anti-unnature, chemical anti-supernature, physical anti-nature, and metaphysical anti-subnature, so that, by extrapolation, one can conceive of a marked distinction between the inorganic primacy of Antinature and the organic supremacy of Nature.


6.   Hence the negative doing, or anti-doing, of ugliness and hatred vis-à-vis the positive doing, or pro-doing, of beauty and love; or the negative giving, or anti-giving, of weakness and humility vis-à-vis the positive giving, or pro-giving, of strength and pride; or the negative taking, or anti-taking, of ignorance and pain vis-à-vis the positive taking, or pro-taking, of knowledge and pleasure; or the negative being, or anti-being, of falsity and woe vis-à-vis the positive being, or pro-being, of truth and joy, with due distinctions between evil and good or folly and wisdom in relation to sensuality and sensibility at every level.


7.   Hence before we distinguish between devils and gods in the universal (noumenal manifestations of organic supremacy), we have to allow for antidevils and antigods in the cosmic (noumenal manifestations of inorganic primacy), wherein doing and being are negative, and therefore primal.


8.   Likewise, before we distinguish between women and men in the personal (phenomenal manifestations of organic supremacy), we have to allow for antiwomen and antimen in the geologic (phenomenal manifestations of inorganic primacy), wherein giving and taking are negative, and therefore primal.


9.   Because people are organic, they are naturally disposed to the positivity of organic supremacy, and accordingly relate to the positive forms of metachemistry, chemistry, physics, and metaphysics as a matter of unhuman/superhuman/human/subhuman course, depending on the individual.  But undue pressures from inorganic primacy, whether cosmic/geologic or technological/environmental, create a capacity for negativity, in consequence of which only the negative forms of metachemistry, chemistry, physics, and metaphysics tend to apply, with anti-unhuman/anti-superhuman/anti-human/anti-subhuman implications for the various individuals concerned.


10.  When this happens, both the self and the not-self are twisted against themselves to a degree which may suggest the existence of separate antiselves and antinot-selves, although, in actuality, such a twisted condition is akin to quasi-antiself and quasi-antinot-self behaviour in view of the organic basis of human life on both objective and subjective, female and male, terms, which defies outright inorganic primacy.


11.  Nevertheless, the twisted condition - all too familiar as it is to and within the technologically-dominated urban parameters of modern life - is sufficient to thwart the growth and refinement of positive values, and instead of a situation in which, due to favourable circumstances, either metachemical fundamentalism or chemical nonconformism or physical humanism or metaphysical transcendentalism are the principal manifestations of supremacy, one is confronted by the ubiquitous spread of metachemical materialism or chemical realism or physical naturalism (core-based aspect of planet earth not to be confused with organic manifestations of nature) or metaphysical idealism, i.e. of anti-fundamentalism, anti-nonconformism, anti-humanism, and anti-transcendentalism, with predictably negative consequences.


12.  Thus not only do ugliness and hatred, weakness and humility, ignorance and pain, and falsity and woe eclipse their positive counterparts in both sensuality and sensibility, but negative forms of science, politics, economics, and religion either take the place of or subvert the more organic forms of such disciplines, with antihuman if not inhuman consequences for all concerned, especially when, as is more usually the case, the march of inorganic primacy takes a libertarian guise, in relation to a female hegemony.


13.  For inorganic primacy is never more negative, i.e. negatively evil and/or foolish, than when it reflects the sensual hegemony of materialism over idealism on the one hand, that of spatial space over sequential time cosmically, and of realism over naturalism on the other hand, that of volumetric volume over massive mass geologically.


14.  It is then that one has either the cosmic stellar over solar and the geologic lunar over terrestrial, or some artificial parallel to each in which modern technology and relentless urbanization conspire to thwart sensibility and maintain, as far as possible, the libertarian status quo, to the detriment not only of inorganic conservatism but, more criminally, of organic conservatism and even, be it said, organic libertarianism which, no matter how heathenistically misguided, was never as evil or foolish as its inorganic counterpart.