1.   Just as a sensually organic society will tend, sooner or later, to be eclipsed by a sensually inorganic society in which the negativity of primacy tends to outweigh the positivity of supremacy, so, conversely, a sensibly organic society will tend, in due course, to develop out of and maintain a sensibly inorganic backdrop for itself, which will exist as its 'shadow' within the overall conservatism of the context in question.


2.   Thus instead of being dominated by inorganic sensuality in the manner of heathenistic societies, these alternative types of society, both phenomenal and noumenal, will tend to dominate inorganic sensibility from the transvaluated standpoints of their organic sensibility, with due regard to the welfare and advancement of the correlative modes of supremacy.


3.   The strictly Christian past did this with regard, in particular, to the phenomenal modes of sensibility, with the brain hegemonic over the womb, but Catholic decadence has tended to exemplify an upper-class heathenistic state-of-affairs in which the ears to which the brain would have been anchored, as Christ to the Father, is complemented by the eyes above, symbolized by the Risen Virgin, and by an economic, or molecular-wavicle, manifestation of the heart, symbolized by the Sacred Heart of Christ, so that a pyramidal triangle has ensued which is the noumenal counterpart to the inverted triangle of Protestant solidarity in the phenomenal 'below', whereby passionate and dispassionate manifestations of the tongue have tended to pull rank on the phallus, or vegetative flesh, which has been constitutionally anchored to a more political, or molecular-particle, manifestation of the heart, symbolized by the Blood Royal.


4.   In fact it is this anchoring of the inverted triangle to the heart politically which has tended to preclude, and render taboo, any eye-like association with the Risen Virgin for Protestants, and ensured an anti-Catholic stance in loyalty to the monarchy.


5.   Be that as it may, both Protestants and Catholics have tended to identify, increasingly as time goes on, with triangular structures which, in the sensuality of their bias toward a female hegemony, have defied Christian convention and created a situation, within organic supremacy, that cries out for salvation and/or damnation, as the case may be, to sensibility, and the coming, in consequence, of a triadic Beyond for 'Kingdom Come'.


6.   Such a triadic Beyond, following upon a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, would be divisible between people of Puritan (including those Dissenters or Presbyterians who opted for inclusion in this category) tradition, people of Anglican tradition, and people of Roman Catholic tradition, with Anglicans being entitled to salvation from vegetative sensuality in the phallus and/or flesh to vegetative sensibility in the brain, Puritans being entitled to damnation from watery sensuality in the tongue to watery sensibility in the womb, and Catholics being entitled to either salvation (if male) from airy sensuality in the ears to airy sensibility in the lungs or damnation (if female of a certain category) from fiery sensuality in the eyes (symbolized by the Risen Virgin) to fiery sensibility in the heart-like administrative aside of 'Kingdom Come' (which would also be especially open to those Dissenters and/or Presbyterians who, rejecting inclusion with Puritans, opted for administrative duties vis-à-vis the triadic Beyond).


7.   Of course, such suggestions are no more than sketches for probable trends and fates, and are not entitled to exclude more complex possibilities and permutations, including the subsectioning of each tier of the triadic Beyond between nonconformism, humanism, and transcendentalism, roughly compatible with Puritan, Anglican, and Catholic manifestations of chemistry, physics, and metaphysics in each case, so that a gender distinction would exist between the chemical and the physical, spirit and intellect, on the one hand, and a class or moral distinction between the physical and the metaphysical, intellect and soul, on the other hand.


8.   Certainly, many if not most Catholic females would be entitled to bottom subsectional status in the top tier of the triadic Beyond rather than to automatic inclusion within that category, previously identifiable with the Risen Virgin, whose eye-bias would automatically qualify them for damnation to the heart-like aside of administrative service to the Beyond in question.


9.   And that heart-like aside, equating with an elemental-wavicle subdivision of fundamentalist possibility in metachemical sensibility, would symbolically equate with the Most Sacred Heart of a Christ-like figure, corresponding to the Second Coming, whose overly religious disposition was specifically designed to serve such an unequivocally religious concept and, hopefully one day, actuality as the triadic Beyond, provided the People, as electorate, had agreed to the setting up of 'Kingdom Come' via a majority mandate for religious sovereignty and the rights appertaining thereof.


10.  For without a democratically expressed wish by a majority of the Electorate, there can be no 'Kingdom Come', and such a wish requires, in any case, the paradoxical acceptance and legitimization of an election that, if successful from a Messianic standpoint, the standpoint of Social Transcendentalism, would enable the People to vote for religious sovereignty and gain deliverance, one way or the other, from what in previous texts I have called 'sins and/or punishments of the world', meaning their traditional political sovereignties and concomitants that not only keep them 'bogged down' in worldly profanity, but ensure the continuance of traditional religion, with its Creator-based primitivity - a primitivity, be it noted, which in the Old Testament has more to do with primacy than with supremacy, Jehovah than the Father, and the even worse situation, from the standpoint of truth, of a godly 'First Mover', i.e. that which, in reality, corresponds to primal doing in its cosmic - and specifically stellar - negativity, and is therefore anything but divine!


11.  It is high time that the People were granted, through me, the opportunity to dispense with such delusive religious primitivity and accept the possibility of religious self-determination in relation to what has been called the triadic Beyond, that they may be delivered from sensuality to sensibility and live the 'life within' more fully and to a higher level than had ever been the case before.


12.  For that would be their right within religious sovereignty, and never again would they have to submit to sensually tyrannical or external Godhead, much less its diabolic subversion, at the behest of culturally alien and antiquated texts like the Bible.  Deliverance from the Bible, both Old and New testaments, is not the least of rights that would accrue to those who had opted for religious sovereignty and a place, in consequence, within the three-tier and subsectioned structures of the triadic Beyond.