Fundamentally, pornography has to do with obscenity or, more accurately, with the erotic evocation of a sexual response.  Now although most of us may not find the spectacle of a nude girl emphasizing either breasts or vagina or, if attention is focused on her face, the simulation of sexual abandon particularly obscene, nevertheless there are people who would be shocked or revolted by such a spectacle (not to mention the phallic response it may be inducing), and not only among the ranks of the elderly, either!  Certainly, there would have been plenty of moral indignation over such, to us, tepidly erotic poses in, say, Victorian England, where the natural was so much more prevalent, to the lasting detriment of both supernaturalism and antinaturalism alike.  Were there no sexual, and hence pornographic, connotations in most of the photographs we encounter in men's magazines, very few of us would continue to buy them, aesthetics alone being insufficiently entertaining to warrant our regular curiosity.

     So a sexual element does enter into much of the modelling of females and thus, by implication, a degree, no matter how tepid, of pornographic obscenity, since, despite the considerable evolutionary progress which supernatural sex signifies over the natural sexual tradition, sex can never be rendered holy and innocent, must always, in the very sensual nature of the subject, remain suspect and even contemptible from a spiritual point of view.  We are not pagans, and neither should we allow an acknowledgement of the essential goodness of temperate nature to inhibit the growth of a supernatural bias.  Too much theological emphasis on the Father detracts from the Holy Spirit.  Temperate nature and, by implication, gentle sex for reproductive purpose are good, healthy, ordained (in a certain, if limited, sense) by the will of the Creator.  But the supernatural signifies a higher good, the ultimate good (unless, however, one prefers to recognize a distinction in regard to the supra-natural), spiritual rather than sensual, and so demands our allegiance to a much greater extent than the natural - certainly, at any rate, if we are disposed, in consequence of environmental, ethnic, hereditary, and class factors, to progressive life.  For only through the supernatural, whether in sex or art, do we draw nearer to the Holy Spirit, to the goal and destiny of evolutionary striving.

     Yet supernatural sex is still sex, and thus a matter of pleasure rather than the cultivation, through meditation, of pure awareness, even if, in the context of pornography, a much sublimated, intellectualized pleasure co-exists with the more sensual, brute pleasure of orgasm.  Social Transcendentalism could no more overtly encourage supernatural sex than Christianity overtly encouraged natural sex.  But it would have to acknowledge the legitimacy and inevitability of such sex, face-up to it as a fact of life, the least objectionable of a number of alternative sexual practices, the best kind of sexual indulgence from a moral point of view.  In fact, one could argue that, in turning against natural sex, Christianity-proper, meaning Christ-centred Protestantism, indirectly encouraged antinatural sex and, hence, the gradual revolt against natural good that we may characterize as antinatural evil, the negative decadence following upon the heels of the positive classicism of pagan/Catholic naturalism.  Even now, in the late-twentieth century, the Catholic Church sides with the natural against the antinatural - propagative sex against contraceptive sex, birth against abortion, heterosexuality against homosexuality, marriage against divorce, love against promiscuity, intercourse against Onan, and so on.  What Protestantism began, Communism has since continued, and doubtless to the furthermost point of antinaturalness!

     The destiny of the truly Catholic peoples, and their overseas equivalents, lies less in abandoning the natural good for the antinatural evil ... than in progressing from the natural good to the supernatural good, the ultimate good, in accordance with the spiritual requirements of a  truly radical, post-fascist theocracy, so that the sublimation of the natural becomes the sexual norm and propagative responsibility is accordingly transferred, in the course of time, to the supernatural realm of the sperm bank/artificial insemination of Centrist supervision, the utilitarian side of sex separated from its aesthetic or pleasurable side, and the latter elevated, through supernatural/supra-natural pornography, to an absolute status in private sublimated satisfaction - the orgasmic outpourings which may result from this supernatural/supra-natural sexuality to be collected and subsequently donated to sperm banks, where they will be analysed and, if found acceptable, stored for future propagative use, pending the choice of a prospective recipient.  In such fashion the sin of Onan will be avoided, not to mention through the supernatural nature of the sexuality itself, the pornography, whether adult or juvenile, owing nothing to the antinatural.

     For it should not be forgotten that much contemporary pornography is antinatural, a sublimated evil as opposed to a fleshy, palpable evil, the photographic reproduction of sodomitic intercourse being the principal mode of this sexual deviance, with anti-supernaturalism, or warped spirituality, the deplorable result.  As I said earlier, the antinatural begins with the male domination of the female in left-wing heterosexuality.  What I didn't do then, as I now realize I perhaps ought to have, was clarify and define the nature of this male-dominated sexuality, with its liberal overtones.  The same, of course, applies to straight, or female-dominated, heterosexuality, which I defined in terms of a Conservative equivalent.  I dare say that some readers are still puzzling the implications of these omissions.

     However, taking what I believe to be the Liberal equivalent first, I shall define male-dominated sexuality as one in which the male 'takes' the female from behind, so that she is at his sexual mercy, unable to contribute any caressive sexuality to the act - her hands underneath or in front of her, her face turned away from the man, her legs knees downwards and therefore unable to curl round the male's back.  In this belly-downwards position, she is but a passive victim of the male's copulation which, entering her from behind, might almost suggest an anal violation; at any rate, it is the nearest approach to overt antinaturalism, bearing in mind the prominence of the female's rump in this position, the fact that it is directly exposed to the male's assault and inevitably plays a part in erotically stimulating him.  Furthermore, there is no reason why the male should not extend his domination of the female in this position by simultaneously caressing her breasts from behind, as well as kissing and/or biting her nape, earlobes, etc.

     This taking from behind, whether the female be on her hands-and-knees, standing upright, or flat-out on her stomach, constitutes the first, or loosely liberal, stage in the degeneration of sexuality from the classical norm of female-dominated and/or balanced heterosexuality to the most perverse manifestation of the antinatural in communistic homosexuality - the most male-dominated lopsidedness conceivable, the nadir of sexual decadence.  The sexual liberal may not be as evil (antinatural) as the sexual radical, but he is still less than good!  He has revolted against the natural heterosexuality of the female-dominated relationship, which I described as Conservative and which, contrary to superficial impressions, does not imply the riding of the male by the female, i.e. a kind of female copulation, but, on the contrary, the riding of the female face upwards by the male face downwards - in short, a stomach-to-stomach copulation that enables the female to enfold the male with her arms and/or legs and directly inflame his passion, as required.  It is as if, despite the show of male activity, the female has ultimate control and is able, by subtle shifts and endearments, to modify his behaviour according to her desires.  She is also free, if not subject to approaching orgasm, to mould her lips to his and make positive use of her tongue.  She will also be able to stimulate her nipples against her lover's chest, his hands usually being otherwise engaged.  And she will know that the changing expressions on her face will contribute their part to the domination of the male, making him a willing servant of her manifold endearments.

     Well, it may be that this kind of sex is now out-of-date or taboo for many people, but it is still the classical norm wherever civilized naturalism holds sway, a right-wing atomicity favouring the female.  Sexual decadence, by contrast, signifies the gradual ascendancy of the male element to a point where, at its most antinatural, nothing female remains, and only men take part.  Traditionally, this decadence was stigmatized by the denigratory epithet 'queer', and there are still people, even in this extremely decadent age, who are more disposed to its employment when describing homosexual activity in others than to the use of the trendy euphemism 'gay' - a testimony to the extent of the current decadence of, in the main, Western civilization, meaning, of course, the predominantly Protestant civilization of nations such as Britain, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Norway, the United States, and, paradoxically, France - a nominally Catholic but, for many decades, typically Western nation (as opposed, for instance, to Eire).