No more than a few days after having written about natural classicism implying a female-dominated heterosexuality, it now occurs to me that I was probably wrong to suppose the classical should be conceived of in this way.  For today I'm a different man, in a manner of speaking, from the one I was then, my subconscious in sleep and conscious mind in wakefulness having reconsidered the contentions put forward, and now, coming to grips with my intellectual honesty and absolutist literary integrity, I am disposed to offer the reader a fresh insight - one that I touched upon but did not expand. (Remember about the selves within the self, the frictions within the absolute?)  I am of course referring to the mention of a balanced sexual relationship between the male and the female, and surely, if anything corresponds to a classical norm, it must be such a balance.

     Well then, how should we conceive of it in relation to heterosexuality?  Simply, I maintain, as implying the passivity of the female while the male proceeds with his copulation, the posture belly-to-belly but not necessarily involving the woman in overtly endearing and/or caressive contributions.  On the contrary, permitting her no more than a vaginal response to the male's thrusts, as she lies fairly limp in his arms and gives herself up to the almost contemplative experience of her pleasure.  Naturally, her facial expression betrays this pleasure, and she makes various complementary sounds.  But it is the male who is forcing them upon her, sexually activating her.  Only her vagina seems to have a contribution of its own to make, in muscular response to the copulative thrusts of her partner's phallus.

     Ah! so a classical heterosexuality, one that every 'good' girl or cultured lady is supposed to uphold.  For too much action on the female's part, too great a contribution to the sexual act, whether with arms, legs, hands, or tongue, would be vulgar, indeed a falling below the classical mean - a kind of pre-classical sexuality in between straight lesbianism and straight heterosexuality, the female-dominated forerunner of the classical balance.

     So now we are beginning to understand the nature of the classical in greater depth and can see that if it corresponds to a Conservative ideal, then female-dominated heterosexuality must correspond, by contrast, to a Whig or Whiggish ideal, the successor to a more overtly lesbian sexuality.  For as soon as women ceased to play a dominating role and became classical, the way was open for men to begin asserting their own domination, a thing they surely did in terms of a liberal taking of the woman from behind, the first stage on the road, as already described, to the eventual absolutist culmination of this trend in communistic homosexuality.

     Of course, the lesbian and the homosexual extremes are still fundamentally relative, involving the participation of two bodies, and are thus, in a limited sense, atomic, though on the basis of a pre-natural and a post-natural or, alternatively, a pro-natural and an antinatural sexuality.  If homosexuality falls short of the genuinely theocratic, then lesbianism must be above and beyond the genuinely autocratic, a kind of autocratic relativity corresponding, in political terms, to a Cromwellian pseudo-tyranny.  Now one could argue that just as the degeneration of sexuality from a classical heterosexual balance went through three stages prior to the homosexual, viz. a male-dominated heterosexuality, a homosexual heterosexuality (anal violation of the female), and a bisexuality (or alternation between men and women), so the regeneration of sexuality from lesbianism passes through lesbian bisexuality (the woman alternating between females and males), a lesbian heterosexuality (the woman riding atop the male), and a female-dominated heterosexuality (the male on top but the female still very active), this latter corresponding to a mature Whiggish right-wing sexuality, the previous stage to an early kind of necessarily left-wing Conservatism (so that, despite my recent rethink, what I wrote about female-dominated relationships being Conservative still stands, if only with regard to the very early Conservatives, or Tories), and the first stage to the original right-wing autocracy of the early Whigs, many of whom were not partial to Cromwellian democracy.

     So it seems that we can plot the evolution of the pro-natural no less than the devolution of the antinatural, and with more or less approximate political correlations, the one leading from early to late Whiggism via Conservatism, the other leading from early to late Liberalism, or Social Democracy, via Fabianism, or Democratic Socialism - the former beginning in a kind of Western subnaturalism of Puritan lesbianism, the latter culminating in a kind of Western supernaturalism of Communist homosexuality, the natural balance of Conservative heterosexuality coming somewhere in-between.  And I say 'kind of' advisably, since, as already indicated, the subnatural and the supernatural extremes must correspond to genuinely autocratic and theocratic sexualities respectively, viz. erotic sculpture and pornography, whereas the Western equivalents to these pagan and transcendental absolutes are rather more democratic, whether on the pseudo-authoritarian level of Cromwellian Parliamentarianism or on the quasi-dictatorial level of Leninist Communism, the latter no less a theocratic democracy than the former was an autocratic democracy, both of them distinct from the genuinely autocratic and theocratic extremes which, in a sense, pre- and post-date Western civilization.

     Of course, pornography - using that term in a general way - exists in abundance in the contemporary democratic West.  But pornographic sex is not truly characteristic of the West, having an outsider's status akin to Fascism, and pornographers, or those who prefer to masturbate with the help of a photographic model, are still the exception to the rule, to be denigrated by the democratic majority as 'wankers' or 'jerks', and this whether we are dealing with liberals or radicals, Protestants or Socialists.  For the West is essentially a democratic civilization, a relativity in between autocratic and theocratic absolutes, the one pagan and the other transcendental.  Even Russia is linked to this civilization as an extrapolation from it which stands between the democratic tradition and the theocratic future, stemming from the former whilst indirectly intimating of the latter.  We can no more regard Soviet Communism as theocratic than ... Catholic Christianity as autocratic; though it stemmed from a pagan tradition which, particularly in its Greek manifestation, placed considerable emphasis on erotic sculpture and, unlike Catholicism, could hardly be described as encouraging natural sex!

     Neither, for that matter, could early Indian civilization, with its highly erotic temple sculpture, a truly autocratic mode of sexuality.  How chaste, by comparison, are the innumerable Catholic sculptures of the Blessed Virgin!  We cannot conceive of their giving rise to lewd thoughts or actions, even though a sculptural link exists with the pagan past.  Sculptures are usually single, not in groups, whereas paintings - the principal manifestation of democratic art - prefer the group to the individual, some of them to the point of excess, the canvas crammed with tiny figures, as in Bruegel.  Democratic sex and politics likewise prefer the group or, at any rate, the couple to the individual, and this no less in an absolute age than in a relative one.  If a correlation exists between Parliamentarianism and lesbianism on the one hand and ... Communism and homosexuality on the other hand, then such a correlation must also exist between Conservatism and heterosexuality - the democratic balance of an atomic classicism.  Compared with this heterosexual classicism, the homosexual one is surely decadent, since stemming, like Communism, from the same democratic tradition.  But it does conform to a new classicism, a new balance, the antithesis of the lesbian classicism of post-autocratic Parliamentarianism.

     I am, as the reader will already have gathered, a Social Transcendentalist and, hence, a radical theocrat, not someone who intends to further his cause in Britain, where democracy holds sway, but in theocratic Eire, where it doesn't, at least not to any appreciable extent, compliments, traditionally, of the Catholic Church.  Despite having lived for some thirty years in England, I haven't really become an Englishman, and neither am I ever likely to become one, given my ethnic constitution and hereditary influences.  I despise democracy and shall continue to despise it, whether in its liberal or radical, genuine or 'pseudo' manifestations, until I die, by which time Eire may well have grown accustomed to a Social Transcendentalist dispensation and, paradoxically, the democratically-engineered supersession of democracy, not to mention obsolescent theocracy (rather more autocratic than theocratic in essence, and thus pre-democratic).  As I have repeatedly emphasized, democracy, like Protestantism, furthers the antinatural, particularly on its left-wing side, and thus signifies the rule of 'the weak', who are, as often as not, also 'the bad' and 'the stupid'.

     One could even distinguish, chronologically, between 'the weak' and 'the stupid', taking the former as applying, particularly in its bourgeois manifestation, to a liberal democracy, and the latter, as proletarians, to a radical democracy, 'the weak' superseding the rule of 'the strong' in aristocratic autocracy, 'the stupid' preceding the lead of 'the clever' in meritocratic theocracy, 'the weak' corresponding to a plutocratic democracy, 'the stupid' to a bureaucratic democracy, the two co-existent within modern Western liberal democracies, the extremism of 'the strong' and 'the clever' outside the establishment pale, assuming they exist at all.  Certainly, republics are supposed to be free of the autocratically 'strong', even if they contain elements of the theocratically 'clever', who are more likely to be outsiders than anything else, and no less in their sexual preferences than in their ideological ones.  If 'the weak' are lesbian and 'the stupid' homosexual, then 'the clever' are almost invariably pornographic, meaning voyeuristic and masturbatory.  Yet not necessarily on too frequent a basis!  Over-indulgence is more usually a scourge of 'the stupid' than of 'the clever' who, by contrast, are disposed to moderation.  And why, you may wonder?  Simply because they perceive sex to be a comparatively low indulgence, with depressing and humiliating overtones.  In other words, a bum experience, both during and, in particular, after the act.

     You have doubtless heard of post-coital triste, or sadness, and most of you will surely have experienced it!  And worse: not simply a feeling of sadness, but a kind of headache, a numbness and washed-out feeling which seems worse the following morning than the previous night.  And this no less the case whether the flesh had been indulged with another person or independently of another.  Certainly, masturbatory orgasm is not immune from consequences both depressing and humiliating!  You might even fear that you had strained something down there, brought about or put yourself on the road to a hernia.  Whatever the case, you're almost bound to feel washed-out and numb the morning after.  So you recognize the fact that sex isn't only a pleasure but, like most pleasure-inducing phenomena, something with painful consequences, too.  Not wise to indulge the flesh every day, then!  Better to limit such indulgences to once a week or twice a month, as you prefer.

     This I do, since I'm fairly sensible and indisposed to the cultivation of a bum experience.  I drink wine - white as opposed to red - but infrequently and in moderation, and the same applies to sex.  I don't smoke, finding in tobacco the means to a depressing end.  I like to cultivate a clean feeling in my head, to get high, in the best sense, through intellectual or spiritual preoccupations.  I know this has to do with me as the product of various positive hereditary influences, not to mention a temperament that fights shy of vulgarity, an intellect second to none.  I am, as you may have guessed, one of 'the clever', and thus I refrain from sensual excesses, finding greater mental satisfaction in the spiritual life, disliking the bum overtones of bodily indulgence.

     But there are a whole host of people - 'the stupid', as we may call them - who are less well-constituted and more given, in consequence, to sensual indulgence.  Not only do they regularly fuck and/or wank; they regularly drink and smoke, to boot!  Thus they are more or less permanently enmeshed in a bum state-of-mind, unable to break away from it but, as if to compensate themselves for this misfortune, only too disposed to take it for granted as their, nay, the human condition.  What comes out of their mouths, as vulgarity, is but a reflection of what is in their heads as a bum condition, a permanent depression.  We cannot be blamed for regarding them as lower class.  The quality of their lives and minds leaves something to be desired - at least from our more elevated point-of-view.  We would not wish to drag our peace-of-mind down to something approximating their level through over-indulgence of the body.  We prefer being sober to drunk, clear-headed to muggy, alert to lethargic, impressed to depressed, 'high' to 'down'.

     But 'the stupid' know no better, being unable to appreciate and indulge in higher things, for which, after all, one must be clever.  As I say, they take their condition for granted or, at any rate, most of them do.  For whilst a few may envy their betters, the majority prefer to disparage and slander them in the interests of their own mundane integrity.  We need not expect things to change very much in this respect, over the coming decades.  There will continue to be a distinction between the clever minority and the stupid majority, the meritocratic leadership and the democratic led.  Paradoxically, however, it is from the ranks of 'the led' that the candidates for evolutionary transformation will emerge, subject to Centrist stipulation.  Yet that is a subject for another work, and I have something more to say about sex and its relation to decadence, before I contemplate any such departure.

     We have noted that promiscuity is a scourge of 'the stupid', since it results in their becoming ever more stupid as time passes.  But such quantitative maximization is the inevitable corollary of the qualitative minimization commensurate with sexual decadence of a radical degree.  For once the qualitative side of sex is reduced, as it must be the more antinatural practices are supplanting natural ones, it follows, as night the day, that the quantitative side will be stepped-up in order to compensate, in some sense, for the reduction of quality.  In other words, sex must be indulged in as frequently as possible to make up for the absence of real quality - at least, in a certain necessarily quantitative way.  Sex is thereby degraded from its former qualitative height to a mere materialist, sensual thing devoid of emotional commitment ('no strings'), the participants mere 'bonking' automata on a never-ending roundabout of lacklustre promiscuity, whether male or female, so-called heterosexuals or homosexuals.

     Yet this runs parallel, after all, with the political decadence, the degeneration, I mean, from a Church/State dichotomy to a State absolutism, from Christianity to Communism, from the heart to the flesh, from a distinction between quality and quantity to a quantitative absolutism.  If the natural are faithful and chaste, then the antinatural are most assuredly unfaithful and promiscuous.  This is the quantitative decadence.  Yet, paradoxically, this trend, in rebelling against a former norm, brings its own qualitative decadence in train, which results in further quantitative decadence in due course, so that the process gathers momentum as it heads towards the nadir of sexual degeneracy.  If formerly, during the heyday of qualitative sex, people were generally moderate in their sexual indulgences, preferring no more than one or two encounters a week, with the freedom of the quantitative, on the other hand, they are more likely to be disposed to one or two encounters a day, and not necessarily with the same partner, either!  But this promiscuity, whilst it may be free from emotional attachments, is far from being free from adverse consequences, not only in the sense I outlined earlier ... with regard to headaches and the like, but in terms of the atrophying of the male's seed, the absence of spermatic maturation attendant upon the greater frequency of the sexual act.

     For like any other seed, sperm has to be cultivated, and it won't become mature if subject to too frequent an ejaculation!  On the contrary, the promiscuous sperm that enters the woman's vagina will be thoroughly immature, that is to say weak and ill-formed, and if conception occurs (which is not guaranteed in a society partial to maximum contraception, seemingly with good reason!), the consequence will almost certainly be a weak or ill-formed child, indeed someone who will subsequently become an immature adult, a veritable cretin or moron, for whom the only possible course of action, aside from vulgar and violent antisocial behaviour, will be greater promiscuity, and so on, in a process leading not merely to the nadir of sexual degeneracy, but to the nadir of racial degeneration as well - in short, to the corruption and ultimate destruction of the race.  For you don't breed a healthy, strong, and morally upright race from atrophied sperm, nor, for that matter, from mothers whose age at conception is below the adult, indeed scarcely above the age of consent!

     If immature sperm is a significant factor in the production of moral cretins, it is by no means the only one!  An immature female is no-less likely to contribute to the degeneration of the race, her offspring destined to become a real greenhorn in adult life, or what may purport to be such.  Inevitably, when the process of degeneration is taken far enough, the race in question will either destroy itself or be destroyed from without by a stronger, less decadent people.  Some of it may be salvageable, and in that event interbreeding with more naturalistic, comparatively uncorrupted peoples will lead to a racial regeneration or, more probably, to the creation of a new race, morally superior to the old one.  Perhaps such a process is already under way in contemporary Britain, where sexual decadence is approaching the nadir of promiscuity and it only remains for pederastic paedophilia to be legalized ... for it to reach rock bottom?  Probably that won't happen, at least one hopes not.  But there is no guarantee that the age of consent won't drop further and the frequency of fornication rise to a point where almost anyone and anything will do for a quick 'bonk'.  If emotional ties are no longer obligatory in sexual relationships, then there would seem to be no reason why children - boys as well as girls - should be excluded from the ever-widening range of promiscuity, with or without a thorough grounding in Freud.  When that happens, there is arguably justification enough for the dissolution of what remains of a once-proud race!  Better that it should be bastardized through interbreeding with peoples of a morally superior race ... than allowed to degenerate any further, assuming, of course, that it hadn't been killed off in a nuclear war or through enslavement to the nadir of antinatural behaviour, AIDS running riot!

     In Ireland, by contrast, it would not be interbreeding with the antinatural but their exclusion which would permit of a supernatural upgrading of the true Irish people, in accordance with theocratic allegiance.  As Communism includes, in the name of a radical democracy, so, like its Fascist forerunner, theocratic Centrism must exclude, in the name of radical theocracy, those people who could not, at this point in time, be radically upgraded in such a way.  The Catholic Church in Ireland, particularly in Eire, has long opposed and inhibited the development of antinaturalism, and thus, in its paradoxical way, saved the people for the possibility of supernatural and/or supra-natural upgrading ... with the advent of theocratic Centrism.  Unlike Britain, Eire is not partial to homosexuality, and neither is it greatly democratic.  A time will come when what the Church began, the Centre will finish.  When the progression to a truly theocratic supernaturalism will be in order, and nothing democratic or homosexual be encouraged.  Such a progression won't, however, come about without a struggle, particularly with democratic interests, but it must come eventually, if justice is to be done and the true Irish people duly be saved to the true religion of Social Transcendentalism.



LONDON 1984 (Revised 2011)