Class comes in different shapes and sizes, but is always either noumenal or phenomenal, that is, of an ethereal or a corporeal nature. There are ‘upper class’ types in the former, and ‘lower class’ types in the latter, but it is not simply a matter of upper and lower. Each of these is divisible between what could be called the alpha and the omega of class, whether in terms of upper-class types vis-à-vis classless types on the noumenal planes of space and time, or in terms of lower-class types vis-à-vis middle-class types on the phenomenal planes of volume and mass.


But that would only apply to the hegemonic gender, not to their ‘upended’ antigender counterparts who make the hegemonic sway of the free gender, be it female (and upper-class/lower-class) or male (and classless/middle-class) possible and viable. Without anti-classless antimales in antimetaphysics, there would be few if any upper-class females in metachemistry at the northwest point of what I like to think of as the intercardinal axial compass. Similarly, without anti-upperclass antifemales in antimetachemistry, there would be few if any classless males in metaphysics at the northeast point of the said compass.


Down below, in the phenomenal and/or corporeal realms of volume and mass, it is equally fair to say that without anti-middleclass antimales in antiphysics (the mass ‘male’ catholic position), there would be few if any lower-class females in chemistry at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass. Similarly, without anti-lowerclass antifemales in antichemistry, there would be few if any middle-class males in physics at the southeast point of the said compass.


For just as, in the noumenal realms of space and time (duly divisible between space and anti-time on the one hand, and time and anti-space on the other), the anti-classless preclude classless competition for the upper class and, conversely, the anti-upperclass preclude upper-class competition for the classless, so, in the phenomenal realms of volume and mass (duly divisible between volume and anti-mass on the one hand, and mass and anti-volume on the other hand), the anti-middleclass preclude middle-class competition for the lower class while, conversely, the anti-lowerclass preclude lower-class competition for the middle-class.


Therefore a polarity axially exists between an upper-class/anti-classless reality and a middle-class/anti-lowerclass reality on the one hand, and between a lower-class/anti-middleclass reality and a classless/anti-upperclass reality on the other hand, the former polarities (subject to modification in terms of strict gender polarity that undermines the phenomenal hegemonic position) constitutive of state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial criteria, the latter polarities (again subject to modification in terms of strict gender polarity that undermines the phenomenal hegemonic position) constitutive of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria, with, in consequence, a kind of British/Irish dichotomy between the two axes.


Such, in a nutshell, is how I understand class, and it is as likely as not that I have the most logically consistent insight into class as is humanly or, rather, superhumanly possible.