People speak too much about God and not enough about metaphysics, the religious context or element par excellence. Such a context, which is rather more airy than fiery, watery, or earthy (vegetative), is the element of soul par excellence, and therefore although ego figures as the other aspect of self which has to be addressed, it is less important and significant of metaphysics than soul, which corresponds not to God but to Heaven. God’s raison d’être is to attain to Heaven, ego into soul, via bound will and bound spirit, for in metaphysics, a male context, self is free and determines the binding of not-self, as soma to psyche.


But the ratio of ego to soul in free self, as of God to Heaven, changes from metaphysical context to context, beginning, I shall contend, with most ego and least soul in cosmic metaphysics, progressing to more (relative to most) ego and less (relative to least) soul in natural metaphysics, progressing from less (relative to least) ego and more (relative to most) soul in human metaphysics, and culminating, to anticipate the future, in least ego and most soul in cyborg metaphysics, the definitive because truly universal, or global, stage of metaphysics.


Therefore the religious context par excellence of metaphysics – excluding the all-too-prevalent metachemical, chemical, and physical ‘bovaryizations’ of religion typifying most so-called religious traditions – is ultimately less about God than about Heaven, and the attainment of Heaven is, to repeat, God’s raison d’être.


Unfortunately, when people speak about God or theorize about God it is usually within one or other of the ‘bovaryized’ contexts of religion that owe less to metaphysics than to metachemistry, chemistry, or physics, viz. fire, water, or earth (vegetation), as the case may be, and thus to the diabolic, the feminine, or the masculine rather than to the divine as such which, exceptions to the general rule notwithstanding, has tended to be marginalized if not excluded from Western and indeed most Eastern traditions.


However that may be, God exists in relation to metaphysical ego, whether vis-à-vis the Cosmos, nature, man, or cyborg universality, and will be more or less prevalent depending on the stage or type of metaphysics and its relation to Heaven. In the definitive metaphysics there will be most Heaven and least God, most soul and least ego, as noted above, and therefore religion will have come clean, detached itself not only from lesser stages of metaphysics, but from everything which is either contrary to or beneath metaphysics, including the starting point of most religion in Devil the Mother hyped as God the Father which is less metaphysical than metachemical and therefore more about Beauty (and Love … in Hell the Clear Spirit) than Truth (and Joy in Heaven the Holy Soul), less, in other words, about free psyche than about its gender opposite, free soma, which is ever fiery and fundamentally to do with free will rather than the true being of free soul.