Religion is about God and God’s raison d’être. God is truth and truth is a kind of knowledge germane to metaphysical ego. Therefore metaphysical ego, as an expression of truth, is God, and God’s raison d’être is nothing else than to achieve Heaven and thus get from ego to soul, wherein truth is eclipsed, as it were, by joy. Because metaphysics is the sphere of soul par excellence, it is also the context of Heaven par excellence.


There are different stages and manifestations of metaphysics, just as there are different stages and manifestations of God and Heaven, beginning in metaphysical cosmos with a metaphysics that is least evolved and therefore one in which there is most God and least Heaven; progressing in metaphysical nature with a metaphysics that is less (compared to least) evolved and therefore one in which there is more (relative to most) God and less (relative to least) Heaven; progressing in metaphysical mankind with a metaphysics that is more (compared to most) evolved and therefore one in which there is less (relative to least) God and more (relative to most) Heaven; and culminating in metaphysical cyborgkind (to come) with a metaphysics that is most evolved and therefore one in which there is least God and most Heaven – the definitive or per se manifestation of metaphysics.


Therefore definitive metaphysics is still something for the future, since we haven’t got beyond mankind as yet and then only some parts of the world have demonstrated an aptitude for metaphysics to any genuine extent. Most religious traditions are based or centred on something less, including the Western, which is basically chemical/antiphysical and/or physical/antichemical, with a metachemical/antimetaphysical anchor derived from the Middle East.


Even Roman Catholicism falls short of metaphysics to the degree that it subsumes such metaphysics as is postulated in the concept of ‘Risen Saviour’ into antimetachemistry, ‘doing down’ what should, in the crucifixional paradigm of bound metaphysical soma, approximate to lungs and breath from fear that the TM cat, so to speak, might get out of the bag of ‘sacred lungs’ at the expense not only of the masses, but of Devil the Mother hyped as God the Father metachemically in back of both phenomenal and noumenal, physical and metaphysical, orders of sensibility.


Therefore the metaphysical factor is subsumed into antimetachemistry ‘sacred heart’-wise, and that in turn subordinated to metachemistry over antimetaphysics in back, where Old Testament criteria going all the way back to the Middle East invariably obtain. The result – a mankind mode of perpendicular triangularity that can be so easily eclipsed, when push comes to shove, by natural and cosmic unequivocal modes of such triangularity, to the detriment of religious freedom.


For metaphysics over antimetachemistry spells the end of perpendicular triangularity of whatever sort, including the contemporary ‘cyborgistic’ mode of it dominated by cameras and, hence, film. But then metaphysics, as a male element, over antimetachemistry, its upended, or antifemale, corollary could only exist at the expense of metachemistry over antimetaphysics, with its female and antimale implications, and that is something Western traditions, superheathenistically rooted in the Middle East, have never seriously countenanced, since it would imply a repudiation of Devil the Mother hyped as God the Father (or metachemistry hyped as metaphysics, or the polyversal cosmos hyped as universal) and a more elitist approach to religion reminiscent of the Buddhist Far East.


However, even transcendental meditation, as an expression of divine ego utilizing lungs and breath to achieve heavenly perfection in the soul, is of mankind, and therefore an Eastern shortfall from global requirement, which will require the transcendence of mankind in and by cyborgkind if a more or less permanent accommodation of soulfulness, spinal-cord deep, is to be achieved, and achieved not, needless to say, by anything so naturalistic and elitist as TM, but through recourse to synthetically artificial substances commensurate with global requirement which cyborgization will render viable (kind of Huxley rather than Jung).


However, that is still some way off, so we must remain content with knowledge as to what God is and what He is about. Metaphysical ego and soul have come a long way from their cosmic manifestations in the realm of planets like Saturn, to which certain kinds of natural visionary experiences and a deeper or more sensible approach to astrology would probably be the nearest human approach; from their natural manifestations in the realm of winged seedpods on certain trees, to which sexual yoga as practised by various Eastern adepts of a Hindu cast would evidently be the nearest human equivalence; from their human manifestations in the realm of transcendental meditation, to which breath-based meditation techniques designed to allow the self to recoil in self-preservation from the out-breath to self more profoundly (spinal-cord deep) as practised by various Eastern adepts of a Buddhist cast would doubtless be the optimum realization.


But all that is still short of a definitive metaphysics, and in such metaphysics, commensurate with communal cyborgization motivated by synthetically artificial self-enlightenment, there will ultimately be least God and most Heaven.