They say the Bible is the word of God, but it is a poor type of god whose word is printerly, i.e. in print, and not of an italic writerly character whose ethereal subjectivity would be properly commensurate with a metaphysical disposition and/or dispensation – at least when monochrome, and preferably of a white-on-black rather than black-on-white nature, as though emphasizing psyche at the expense of soma, the Church at the expense, in other words, of the State.


I don’t believe the Bible as the word of God for the simple reason that God has never figured in Western civilization, only Devil the Mother hyped as God (the ‘best of a bad job’ sugar-coating of the bitter pill of overwhelming female dominance of cosmic and even natural realities and effective starting-point, in consequence, of civilization) and something extrapolated out from that which has been called ‘the Son of God’ but is really the son of something else, whether of Devil the Mother (an antigodly ‘Antichrist’), of Woman the Mother (an antimanly ‘Antichrist’) or, indirectly (in sensibility), as Son of Man (‘Man the Father’ corresponding to ‘God the Father’ being a virtually unheard of concept, though germane to psyche rather than to soma and, hence, to the church as opposed to the state) or Son of God (sic), since Devil the Mother has even the postulate of resurrection (a nonsense from any genuinely metaphysical standpoint in which the bound-somatic son is already correlatively in situ under a free-psychic father) ‘by the balls’, so to speak, and he has never amounted to anything independent of Her, like a TM so-called atheist doing his own thing independently of creatoresque or cosmic constraints.


Anyhow, I wouldn’t want to swear on the Bible; I’d be more inclined to swear at what, to me, is an obstacle to true godliness which, at the mankind level (beyond cosmos and nature) is most approximated to in transcendental meditation, where the godly ego utilizing lungs and breath to recoil to self from the out-breath more profoundly, bypassing its starting-point to hit the soul spinal-cord deep for a second or two, corresponds to ‘God the Father’, the end-product of self-aggrandisement to ‘Heaven the Holy Soul’, the raison d’ętre of godliness, and the lungs and the breath to ‘the Son of God’ and ‘the Holy Spirit of Heaven’ respectively.


But that would still be godliness in mankind, as a penultimate and not ultimate, or definitive, manifestation of godliness or, more correctly, heavenliness, which will require an altogether different platform of self-realization if it is to succeed in bringing metaphysics to anything like its maximum soulfulness, so to speak – one dependent, in all likelihood, on synthetically artificial substances and coupled to cyborgization of a communal order.


That said (and this is quite another subject), the Bible is a book, and no book is worthy of a metaphysical otherworldly status, being a kind of rectilinear worldly thing corresponding, when monochromatic, to the physical/antichemical southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass in what I normally describe as something corresponding to a phenomenal mode of sensibility. Only scrolls, and these days e-scrolls (if italic writerly on white-on-black monochromatic terms) are worthy to be taken seriously as the ‘word of God’, and on that, especially in relation to my own more thematically-elevated examples which tend, in their literary collectivization, towards the communal, I would be more than prepared to swear. As for the Bible, forget it! One day it will be consigned to the rubbish heap of history, along with all those other religious and cultural anachronisms from the West or the East which fall well short of global requirement.