Metachemistry, the element of evil and crime par excellence, is also, by definition, the element of barbarity, which is vain.


Chemistry, the element of pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime par excellence, is also, by definition, the element of pseudo-barbarity, which is pseudo-vain.


Metaphysics, the element of grace and wisdom par excellence, is also, by definition, the element of culture, which is righteous.


Physics, the element of pseudo-grace and pseudo-crime par excellence, is also, by definition, the element of pseudo-culture, which is pseudo-righteous.


* * *

Pseudo-metachemistry, the pseudo-element of pseudo-goodness and pseudo-punishment par excellence, is also, by definition, the pseudo-element of pseudo-civility, which is pseudo-just.


Pseudo-chemistry, the pseudo-element of goodness and punishment par excellence, is also, by definition, the pseudo-element of civility, which is just.


Pseudo-metaphysics, the pseudo-element of pseudo-sin and pseudo-folly par excellence, is also, by definition, the pseudo-element of pseudo-philistinism, which is pseudo-meek.


Pseudo-physics, the pseudo-element of sin and folly par excellence, is also, by definition, the pseudo-element of philistinism, which is meek.


* * *

Metachemistry and pseudo-chemistry are polar elemental positions on state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, like barbarity and civility, vanity and justice.


Pseudo-metaphysics and physics are also polar elemental positions on state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, like pseudo-philistinism and pseudo-culture, pseudo-meekness and pseudo-righteousness.


Metaphysics and pseudo-physics are polar elemental positions on church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, like culture and philistinism, righteousness and meekness.


Pseudo-metachemistry and chemistry are also polar elemental positions on church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, like pseudo-civility and pseudo-barbarity, pseudo-justice and pseudo-vanity.


* * *

Hence, in overall state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, barbarity and civility, corresponding to metachemistry and pseudo-chemistry, have to be contrasted with pseudo-philistinism and pseudo-culture, which correspond to pseudo-metaphysics and physics, the former polarity primarily and the latter secondarily characteristic of the axis in question, which is female-dominated, i.e. rooted metachemically in free soma.


Hence, in overall church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, culture and philistinism, corresponding to metaphysics and pseudo-physics, have to be contrasted with pseudo-civility and pseudo-barbarity, which correspond to pseudo-metachemistry and chemistry, the former polarity primarily and the latter secondarily characteristic of the axis in question, which is male-dominated, i.e. centred metaphysically in free psyche.


Such, in a nutshell, is the gender distinction, ethnically speaking, between British (English-dominated Protestant) and Irish (Catholic) axial relativity, a relativity torn between barbarity and civility in the one case (British) and culture and philistinism in the other (Irish).


* * *

As regards the distinction between soma and psyche, state and church, whether primary or secondary or, indeed, genuine or pseudo, we should allow for positive and negative modes of barbarity, civility, culture, and philistinism, according as to whether our focus is on the free or the bound aspect of any given element, since that which is free, whether somatic or psychic, will exemplify positive (and virtuous) forms of barbarity, civility, culture, and philistinism, whereas whatever is bound, whether psychic or somatic, can only exemplify the negative (and vicious) counterparts of the above.


Thus, on the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis, the positive barbarity (virtuous) of beauty and love, corresponding to the evil of metachemical free soma, has to be contrasted with the negative barbarity (vicious) of ugliness and hatred, which corresponds to the crime of metachemical bound psyche, with the former standing to the latter on the 3:1 absolute ratio basis of this noumenally objective element.


Thus the positive civility (virtuous) of pseudo-strength and pseudo-pride, corresponding to the punishingness of pseudo-chemical free psyche, has to be contrasted with the negative civility (vicious) of pseudo-weakness and pseudo-humility, which corresponds to the goodness of pseudo-chemical bound soma, with the former standing to the latter on the 1½:2½ inverted relative ratio basis of this phenomenally pseudo-objective element (pseudo-element).


Likewise, if from the opposite gender standpoint to anything female, the positive pseudo-philistinism (pseudo-virtuous) of pseudo-truth and pseudo-joy, corresponding to the pseudo-folly of pseudo-metaphysical free soma, has to be contrasted with the negative pseudo-philistinism (pseudo-vicious) of pseudo-illusion and pseudo-woe, which corresponds to the pseudo-sin of pseudo-metaphysical bound psyche, with the former standing to the latter on the 1:3 inverted absolute ratio basis of this noumenally pseudo-subjective element (pseudo-element).


Likewise, again from a male gender standpoint, the positive pseudo-culture (pseudo-virtuous) of knowledge and pleasure, corresponding to the pseudo-grace of physical free psyche, has to be contrasted with the negative pseudo-culture (pseudo-vicious) of ignorance and pain, which corresponds to the pseudo-wisdom of physical bound soma, with the former standing to the latter on the 2½:1½ relative ratio basis of this phenomenally subjective element.


* * *

Thus, on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis, the positive culture (virtuous) of truth and joy, corresponding to the grace of metaphysical free psyche, has to be contrasted with the negative culture (vicious) of illusion and woe, which corresponds to the wisdom of metaphysical bound soma, with the former standing to the latter on the 3:1 absolute ratio basis of this noumenally subjective element.


Thus the positive philistinism (pseudo-virtuous) of pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure, corresponding to the folly of pseudo-physical free soma, has to be contrasted with the negative philistinism (pseudo-vicious) of pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain, which corresponds to the sinfulness of pseudo-physical bound psyche, with the former standing to the latter on the 1½:2½ inverted relative ratio basis of this phenomenally pseudo-subjective element (pseudo-element).


Likewise, if from the opposite gender standpoint to anything male, the positive pseudo-civility (pseudo-virtuous) of pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love, corresponding to the pseudo-punishingness of pseudo-metachemical free psyche, has to be contrasted with the negative pseudo-civility (pseudo-vicious) of pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred, which corresponds to the pseudo-goodness of pseudo-metachemical bound soma, with the former standing to the latter on the 1:3 inverted absolute ratio basis of this noumenally pseudo-objective element (pseudo-element).


Likewise, again from a female gender standpoint, the positive pseudo-barbarity (pseudo-virtuous) of strength and pride, corresponding to the pseudo-evil of chemical free soma, has to be contrasted with the negative pseudo-barbarity (pseudo-vicious) of weakness and humility (if not humiliation), which corresponds to the pseudo-criminality of chemical bound psyche, with the former standing to the latter on the 2½:1½ relative ratio basis of this phenomenally objective element.


* * *

Metachemistry = vanity = barbarity = noumenal objectivity (clearness);


Pseudo-metaphysics = pseudo-meekness = pseudo-philistinism = noumenal pseudo-subjectivity (pseudo-unholiness);


Chemistry = pseudo-vanity = pseudo-barbarity = phenomenal objectivity (pseudo-clearness);


Pseudo-physics  = meekness = philistinism = phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity (unholiness);


Physics = pseudo-righteousness = pseudo-culture = phenomenal subjectivity (pseudo-holiness);


Pseudo-chemistry = justice = civility = phenomenal pseudo-objectivity (unclearness);


Metaphysics = righteousness = culture = noumenal subjectivity (holiness);


Pseudo-metachemistry = pseudo-justice = pseudo-civility = noumenal pseudo-objectivity (pseudo-unclearness).