To contrast the barbarism of the Vain with the pseudo-philistinism of the pseudo-Meek, as one would contrast metachemistry with pseudo-metaphysics at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.


To contrast the pseudo-barbarism of the pseudo-Vain with the philistinism of the Meek, as one would contrast chemistry with pseudo-physics at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass.


To contrast the pseudo-culture of the pseudo-Righteous with the civility of the Just, as one would contrast physics with pseudo-chemistry at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass.


To contrast the culture of the Righteous with the pseudo-civility of the pseudo-Just, as one would contrast metaphysics with pseudo-metachemistry at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass.


To contrast, on a strictly female polar basis, the barbarism of the Vain with the civility of the Just, as one would contrast metachemistry with pseudo-chemistry on primary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms.


To contrast, on a strictly male polar basis, the pseudo-philistinism of the pseudo-Meek with the pseudo-culture of the pseudo-Righteous, as one would contrast pseudo-metaphysics with physics on secondary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms.


To contrast, on a strictly male polar basis, the philistinism of the Meek with the culture of the Righteous, as one would contrast pseudo-physics with metaphysics on primary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms.


To contrast, on a strictly female polar basis, the pseudo-barbarism of the pseudo-Vain with the pseudo-civility of the pseudo-Just, as one would contrast chemistry with pseudo-metachemistry on secondary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms.


To contrast the positive barbarism of metachemical free soma with the negative barbarism of metachemical bound psyche, as one would contrast the superheathen moral virtue of beauty and love with the subchristian moral vice of ugliness and hatred.


To contrast the positive pseudo-philistinism of pseudo-metaphysical free soma with the negative pseudo-philistinism of pseudo-metaphysical bound psyche, as one would contrast the pseudo-subheathen unmoral virtue of pseudo-truth and pseudo-joy with the pseudo-superchristian unmoral vice of pseudo-illusion and pseudo-woe.


To contrast the positive pseudo-barbarism of chemical free soma with the negative pseudo-barbarism of chemical bound psyche, as one would contrast the heathen moral virtue of strength and pride with the unchristian moral vice of weakness and humility.


To contrast the positive philistinism of pseudo-physical free soma with the negative philistinism of pseudo-physical bound psyche, as one would contrast the pseudo-heathen unmoral virtue of pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure with the pseudo-unchristian unmoral vice of pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain.


To contrast the positive pseudo-culture of physical free psyche with the negative pseudo-culture of physical bound soma, as one would contrast the christian moral virtue of knowledge and pleasure with the unheathen moral vice of ignorance and pain.


To contrast the positive civility of pseudo-chemical free psyche with the negative civility of pseudo-chemical bound soma, as one would contrast the pseudo-christian unmoral virtue of pseudo-strength and pseudo-pride with the pseudo-unheathen unmoral vice of pseudo-weakness and pseudo-humility.


To contrast the positive culture of metaphysical free psyche with the negative culture of metaphysical bound soma, as one would contrast the superchristian moral virtue of truth and joy with the subheathen moral vice of illusion and woe.


To contrast the positive pseudo-civility of pseudo-metachemical free psyche with the negative pseudo-civility of pseudo-metachemical bound soma, as one would contrast the pseudo-subchristian unmoral virtue of pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love with the pseudo-superheathen unmoral vice of pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred.


In overall metachemical terms, superheathen = supernatural = supersensuous = superfeminine; subchristian = subnurtural = subconscious = submasculine.


In overall pseudo-metaphysical terms, pseudo-subheathen = pseudo-subnatural = pseudo-subsensuous = pseudo-subfeminine; pseudo-superchristian = pseudo-supernurtural = pseudo-superconscious – pseudo-supermasculine.


In overall chemical terms, heathen = natural = sensuous = feminine; unchristian = unnurtural = unconscious = unmasculine.


In overall pseudo-physical terms, pseudo-heathen = pseudo-natural = pseudo-sensuous = pseudo-feminine; pseudo-unchristian = pseudo-unnurtural = pseudo-unconscious = pseudo-unmasculine.


In overall physical terms, christian = nurtural = conscious = masculine; unheathen = unnatural = unsensuous = unfeminine.


In overall pseudo-chemical terms, pseudo-christian = pseudo-nurtural = pseudo-conscious = pseudo-masculine; pseudo-unheathen = pseudo-unnatural = pseudo-unsensuous = pseudo-unfeminine.


In overall metaphysical terms, superchristian = supernurtural = superconscious = supermasculine; subheathen = subnatural = subsensuous = subfeminine.


In overall pseudo-metachemical terms, pseudo-subchristian = pseudo-subnurtural = pseudo-subconscious = pseudo-submasculine; pseudo-superheathen = pseudo-supernatural = pseudo-supersensuous = pseudo-superfeminine.