To contrast the smart noumenal bitches (females) of metachemical free soma with the stupid noumenal bitches of metachemical bound psyche, as one would contrast the evil of beauty and love with the crime of ugliness and hatred, the former standing to the latter on a 3:1 ratio basis commensurate with absolute (noumenal) objective criteria.


To contrast the smart noumenal pseudo-bastards (pseudo-males) of pseudo-metaphysical free soma with the stupid noumenal pseudo-bastards of pseudo-metaphysical bound psyche, as one would contrast the pseudo-folly of pseudo-truth and pseudo-joy with the pseudo-sin of pseudo-illusion and pseudo-woe, the former standing to the latter on a 1:3 ratio basis commensurate with absolute (noumenal) pseudo-subjective criteria.


To contrast the smart phenomenal bitches (females) of chemical free soma with the stupid phenomenal bitches of chemical bound psyche, as one would contrast the pseudo-evil of strength and pride with the pseudo-crime of weakness and humility, the former standing to the latter on a 2½:1½ ratio basis commensurate with relative (phenomenal) objective criteria.


To contrast the smart phenomenal pseudo-bastards (pseudo-males) of pseudo-physical free soma with the stupid phenomenal pseudo-bastards of pseudo-physical bound psyche, as one would contrast the folly of pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure with the sin of pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain, the former standing to the latter on a 1½:2½ ratio basis  commensurate with relative (phenomenal) pseudo-subjective criteria.


To contrast the smart phenomenal bastards (males) of physical free psyche with the stupid phenomenal bastards of physical bound soma, as one would contrast the pseudo-grace of knowledge and pleasure with the pseudo-wisdom of ignorance and pain, the former standing to the latter on a 2½:1½ ratio basis commensurate with relative (phenomenal) subjective criteria.


To contrast the smart phenomenal pseudo-bitches (pseudo-females) of pseudo-chemical free psyche with the stupid phenomenal pseudo-bitches of pseudo-chemical bound soma, as one would contrast the punishingness of pseudo-strength and pseudo-pride with the goodness of pseudo-weakness and pseudo-humility (if not humiliation), the former standing to the latter on a 1½:2½ ratio basis commensurate with relative (phenomenal) pseudo-objective criteria.


To contrast the smart noumenal bastards (male) of metaphysical free psyche with the stupid noumenal bastards of metaphysical bound soma, as one would contrast the grace of truth and joy with the wisdom of illusion and woe, the former standing to the latter on a 3:1 ratio basis commensurate with absolute (noumenal) subjective criteria.


To contrast the smart noumenal pseudo-bitches (pseudo-females) of pseudo-metachemical free psyche with the stupid noumenal pseudo-bitches of pseudo-metachemical bound soma, as one would contrast the pseudo-punishingness of pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love with the pseudo-goodness of pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred, the former standing to the latter on a 1:3 ratio basis commensurate with absolute (noumenal) pseudo-objective criteria.


Besides bitches and bastards on both noumenal (ethereal) and phenomenal (corporeal) class and/or elemental planes, one has to allow for their ‘pseudo’ counterparts likewise, since bitches are only hegemonic over pseudo-bastards and bastards only hegemonic over pseudo-bitches, the hegemonic gender requiring the upending and effective undoing of the subordinate gender if it is to remain hegemonic and therefore clear over unholy or holy over unclear, as the gender case, on both noumenal and phenomenal planes, may be.


The significant theological notion that the ‘first’ will be ‘last’ and the ‘last’ be ‘first’ in ‘Kingdom Come’ applies not only across the axial divide between female-dominated and male-dominated societies, but also across the gender divide of either axis, as well as across the same gender distinction, noted above, between ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’ types of bitches and bastards, pseudo-bitches and pseudo-bastards.


In the salvation (rising deliverance from southwest to northeast points of the intercardinal axial compass) of the pseudo-physical to metaphysics and the correlative counter-damnation (counter-falling deliverance from southwest to northeast points of the said church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis) of the chemical to pseudo-metachemistry, the pseudo-physical ‘last’ will wind up metaphysical ‘first’ and the chemical ‘first’ wind up pseudo-metachemical ‘last’; but even the ‘smart’ phenomenal pseudo-bastards of pseudo-physical free soma will end up ‘last’ in metaphysical bound soma as the ‘stupid’ phenomenal pseudo-bastards of pseudo-physical bound psyche become ‘first’ in metaphysical free psyche.  Correlatively, the ‘smart’ phenomenal bitches of chemical free soma will end up ‘last’ in pseudo-metachemical bound soma as the ‘stupid’ phenomenal bitches of chemical bound psyche become ‘first’ in pseudo-metachemical free psyche.


Therefore not only absolute ‘firsts’ and ‘lasts’ between the genders, but relative ‘firsts’ and ‘lasts’ within each gender, notwithstanding the fact that either gender, in phenomenal or noumenal contexts, can be both ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’ by turns or in relation to the overall relativity of their gender (somatic vis-à-vis psyche or psychic vis-à-vis somatic) make-up, this in turn varying according, as noted above, to class and/or elemental circumstances.


Nevertheless, distinctions between churchmen and statesmen, for example, are often reflected in individual predilections towards either freedom or binding in soma or psyche, making for differentials in behaviour and psychology which reflect our above-mentioned distinctions between ‘smart’ and ‘stupid’, irrespective of the ratio factors within any given gender.