Just as one can distinguish between

The supernatural and the supra-natural,

As between two kinds or degrees

Of theocratic indulgence, viz. a bodily and a mental,

An apparent and an essential,

So one should distinguish between

Supermen and the Supra-men

Of the coming Centrist civilization,

The former disposed to hallucinogenic enlightenment,

The latter ... to transcendental meditation;

The one preceding the other.

Then, with regard to a similar apparent/essential division

In the succeeding millennium, one should

Also distinguish between Superbeings and the Supra-beings,

As between hypertripping brain-collectivizations

Artificially supported and sustained on the one hand,

And ... hypermeditating new-brain collectivizations

No-less artificially supported and sustained

On the other hand, a distinction which

Would confirm the evolution of millennial life

Towards the ultrabeingful spiritual transcendences

Of the heavenly Beyond.

Whereas post-humanist life is connected with man,

Post-human life completely transcends him

In the free-electron life forms

Of Superbeings and Supra-beings respectively.