Brotherly love is the ideal

Of the atomic-wavicle Church,

A positive emotionality diffused

Throughout Christian humanity

And thereby rendered impersonal.

Love for another person

In a non-diffused positive emotionality

Is, by contrast, the reality

Of the neutron-wavicle Church,

An impure love of the sexes,

Possessive and selective,

Attractive and reactive.

Free love, however, is the reality

Of the neutron-particle State,

And it signifies a 'fall' from

The non-diffused emotional love for another person

Of the neutron-wavicle Church

To the diffused bodily love

Of sexual promiscuity

In a love of other selves which, at the level

Of the electron-particle State, becomes

A non-diffused love of phenomenal self.

Spiritual love is, by contrast,

The ideal of the electron-wavicle Centre,

A love of noumenal self

That yet transcends the individual

In the collective consciousness of pure mind.

If love for another

Is the neutron-wavicle relativity,

Then love of noumenal self

Is the electron-wavicle absolutism,

With the neutron-particle relativity

Of free-loving phenomenalism

And the electron-particle absolutism

Of love of phenomenal self coming in-between.