As Church art-proper signified

An atomic-wavicle equivalent

In the spreading of paint on canvas,

So Centre art-proper will signify

An electron-wavicle equivalent

In the projection of holograms into space,

As appropriate to a supertheocratic ideological integrity.

Doubtless some light art,

Particularly in the guise of lasers,

Will continue to exist, albeit subordinate

To the main holographic trend.

Light sculpture, on the other hand,

Will have been discredited

As an overly secular type of art, and nothing

Remotely resembling sculpture will survive.

Likewise, in sex, nothing

Overtly homosexual will be encouraged,

Centrist sex signifying elevation

To an electron-wavicle equivalent

In the Supernaturalism

Of computer-generated erotica -

The omega antithesis to filmic hard-core

And, hence, to the outer light of the State.